Cintia Oliveira
Cintia Oliveira
Professora de computação - Instituto Federal de Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Effects of sevelamer hydrochloride and calcium carbonate on renal osteodystrophy in hemodialysis patients
MC Monier-Faugere, C Oliveira, J Baldaia, I Rodrigues, C Santos, ...
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 19 (2), 405-412, 2008
Gold complexes with thiosemicarbazones: reactions of bi-and tridentate thiosemicarbazones with dichloro [2-(dimethylaminomethyl) phenyl-C 1, N] gold (III),[Au (damp-C 1, N) Cl 2]
U Abram, K Ortner, R Gust, K Sommer
Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 735-744, 2000
Geologia e recursos minerais da Província Mineral de Alta Floresta
JP Souza, AAS Frasca, CC Oliveira
Relatório Integrado. Folhas SC, 2005
Fine-tuning the neuroprotective and blood-brain barrier permeability profile of multi-target agents designed to prevent progressive mitochondrial dysfunction
S Benfeito, C Oliveira, C Fernandes, F Cagide, J Teixeira, R Amorim, ...
European journal of medicinal chemistry 167, 525-545, 2019
Visceral leishmaniasis in renal transplant recipients: clinical aspects, diagnostic problems, and response to treatment
CMC Oliveira, M Oliveira, SCA Andrade, ES Girão, CN Ponte, MU Mota, ...
Transplantation proceedings 40 (3), 755-760, 2008
Multicommutation in flow analysis. Part 4. Computer-assisted splitting for spectrophotometric determination of copper and zinc in plants
CC Oliveira, RP Sartini, BF Reis, EAG Zagatto
Analytica chimica acta 332 (2-3), 173-178, 1996
Conhecendo o Câncer, um caminho para a vida: uma Situação de Estudo como possibilidade de mudança no fazer cotidiano escolar
MD FRISON, ETO Boff, C Oliveira, AMD Ricardi, MM Ott, MI Vieira, ...
Construção curricular em rede na Educação em Ciências: uma aposta de …, 2007
Geologia da região centro-sul de Goiás
Boletim de Geociências do Centro-Oeste 18 (1/2), 3-19, 1995
Geologia e evolução tectônica da região norte do Mato Grosso (Projeto Promin-Alta Floresta)
JV Lacerda Filho, JO Souza, CC Oliveira, PSE Ribeiro, PFV Boas, ...
SBG, Simp. Geol. Amazônia 7, 2001
Programa Levantamentos Geológicos Básicos do Brasil-PLGB
CC Oliveira, MC Albuquerque
Folha SE, 1994
Auriculotherapy in nursing professionals during the coronavirus pandemic: a multiple case study
CMC Oliveira, BB Assis, PG Mendes, IC Lemos, ALC Sousa, ...
Rev Eletr Enferm 23 (65678), 1-8, 2021
Urinary tract infections and surgical site infections due to carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in renal transplant
BGR Dos Santos, ES Amaral Jr, P Fernandes, CMC Oliveira, ...
Transplantation proceedings 48 (6), 2050-2055, 2016
Comportamento histórico da produção e comércio de madeira do estado do Pará nos mercados local e internacional
AC Santana, MAS Santos, CM Oliveira
Amazônia Ciência & Desenvolvimento, Belém 6 (11), 63-90, 2010
Differential expression of collagens type I and type IV in lymphangiogenesis during the angiogenic process associated with bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rat
H Leite-Almeida, JM dos Santos, C Oliveira, P Boaventura, NR Grande, ...
Lymphology 38 (3), 130-135, 2005
Persistence of antibodies to hepatitis C virus in a chronic hemodialysis population
F Carrera, JG Silva, C Oliveira, JM Frazao, C Pires
Nephron 68 (1), 38-40, 1994
Vaginal temperature as indicative of thermoregulatory response in Nellore heifers under different microclimatic conditions
CC Oliveira, FV Alves, PGMA Martins, N Karvatte Junior, GF Alves, ...
PloS one 14 (10), e0223190, 2019
Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of a rare Cantrell’s pentalogy variant with associated open neural tube defect–a case report
T Loureiro, C Oliveira, J Aroso, MJ Ferreira, J Vieira
Fetal diagnosis and therapy 22 (3), 172-174, 2007
Vascular calcifications and bone turnover in hemodialysis patients
T Adragao, A Ferreira, JM Frazao, C Gil, C Oliveira, J Galvao, M Sarmento, ...
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 21, 292-292, 2006
Prevalence of non-A non-B hepatitis and anti-HCV antibodies in a Portuguese dialysis population
F Carrera, JG Silva, C Pires, C Oliveira
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 7 (9), 913-916, 1992
Uma proposta de sistema de aprendizagem com conteúdo gamificado e com reforço guiado por algoritmos bio-inspirados
DA Lima, CC Oliveira, LC Pestili, EC Silva, MAS Bezerra, HA Lima
Anais do Computer on the Beach 8, 140-149, 2017
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20