Soumitra Tarafder
Soumitra Tarafder
Chief Scientist, CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur, INDIA
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Morphologies and characteristics of deformation induced martensite during tensile deformation of 304 LN stainless steel
A Das, S Sivaprasad, M Ghosh, PC Chakraborti, S Tarafder
Materials Science and Engineering: A 486 (1-2), 283-286, 2008
Experimental investigation on martensitic transformation and fracture morphologies of austenitic stainless steel
A Das, S Tarafder
International Journal of Plasticity 25 (11), 2222-2247, 2009
Key issues in cyclic plastic deformation: experimentation
SK Paul, S Sivaprasad, S Dhar, S Tarafder
Mechanics of materials 43 (11), 705-720, 2011
Ratcheting and low cycle fatigue behavior of SA333 steel and their life prediction
SK Paul, S Sivaprasad, S Dhar, S Tarafder
Journal of Nuclear Materials 401 (1-3), 17-24, 2010
Geometry of dimples and its correlation with mechanical properties in austenitic stainless steel
A Das, S Tarafder
Scripta Materialia 59 (9), 1014-1017, 2008
Cyclic plastic deformation response at fatigue crack tips
SK Paul, S Tarafder
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 101, 81-90, 2013
Cyclic plastic deformation and cyclic hardening/softening behavior in 304LN stainless steel
SK Paul, S Sivaprasad, S Dhar, S Tarafder
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 54 (1), 63-70, 2010
Analysis of deformation induced martensitic transformation in stainless steels
A Das, PC Chakraborti, S Tarafder, H Bhadeshia
Materials Science and Technology 27 (1), 366-370, 2011
Low-cyclic fatigue behavior of modified 9Cr–1Mo steel at elevated temperature
K Guguloth, S Sivaprasad, D Chakrabarti, S Tarafder
Materials Science and Engineering: A 604, 196-206, 2014
Influence of asymmetric cyclic loading on substructure formation and ratcheting fatigue behaviour of AISI 304LN stainless steel
K Dutta, S Sivaprasad, S Tarafder, KK Ray
Materials science and engineering: A 527 (29-30), 7571-7579, 2010
Effect of prestrain on fracture toughness of HSLA steels
S Sivaprasad, S Tarafder, VR Ranganath, KK Ray
Materials Science and Engineering: A 284 (1-2), 195-201, 2000
Estimation of deformation induced martensite in austenitic stainless steels
A Das, S Tarafder, PC Chakraborti
Materials Science and Engineering: A 529, 9-20, 2011
Cyclic plastic deformation and damage in 304LN stainless steel
SK Paul, S Sivaprasad, S Dhar, S Tarafder
Materials Science and engineering: A 528 (15), 4873-4882, 2011
Morphologies and characteristics of deformation induced martensite during low cycle fatigue behaviour of austenitic stainless steel
A Das, S Sivaprasad, PC Chakraborti, S Tarafder
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (27), 7909-7914, 2011
Cyclic plastic behaviour of primary heat transport piping materials: Influence of loading schemes on hysteresis loop
S Sivaprasad, SK Paul, A Das, N Narasaiah, S Tarafder
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (26), 6858-6869, 2010
Nonlinear Lamb wave mixing for assessing localized deformation during creep
AK Metya, S Tarafder, K Balasubramaniam
NDT & E International 98, 89-94, 2018
Micromechanisms of deformation in dual phase steels at high strain rates
A Das, M Ghosh, S Tarafder, S Sivaprasad, D Chakrabarti
Materials Science and Engineering: A 680, 249-258, 2017
True stress control asymmetric cyclic plastic behavior in SA333 C–Mn steel
SK Paul, S Sivaprasad, S Dhar, S Tarafder
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 87 (8), 440-446, 2010
Simulation of cyclic plastic deformation response in SA333 C–Mn steel by a kinematic hardening model
SK Paul, S Sivaprasad, S Dhar, M Tarafder, S Tarafder
Computational Materials Science 48 (3), 662-671, 2010
The effect of variation of microstructure on fracture mechanics parameters of HSLA-100 steel
SK Das, S Sivaprasad, S Das, S Chatterjee, S Tarafder
Materials Science and Engineering: A 431 (1-2), 68-79, 2006
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مقالات 1–20