Gerard Jaouen
Gerard Jaouen
Professeur de chimie Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Paris
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Ferrocifen type anti cancer drugs
G Jaouen, A Vessières, S Top
Chemical Society Reviews 44 (24), 8802-8817, 2015
Bioorganometallics: biomolecules, labeling, medicine
G Jaouen
John Wiley & Sons, 2006
Synthesis, biochemical properties and molecular modelling studies of organometallic specific estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), the ferrocifens and hydroxyferrocifens …
S Top, A Vessières, G Leclercq, J Quivy, J Tang, J Vaissermann, M Huché, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 9 (21), 5223-5236, 2003
Ferrocene‐mediated proton‐coupled electron transfer in a series of ferrocifen‐type breast‐cancer drug candidates
E Hillard, A Vessières, L Thouin, G Jaouen, C Amatore
Angewandte Chemie 118 (2), 291-296, 2006
Bioorganometallic chemistry: structural diversity of organometallic complexes with bioligands and molecular recognition studies of several supramolecular hosts with …
RH Fish, G Jaouen
Organometallics 22 (11), 2166-2177, 2003
Bioorganometallic chemistry: a future direction for transition metal organometallic chemistry?
G Jaouen, A Vessieres, IS Butler
Accounts of chemical research 26 (7), 361-369, 1993
The first organometallic selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) and their relevance to breast cancer
G Jaouen, S Top, A Vessieres, G Leclercq, MJ McGlinchey
Current medicinal chemistry 11 (18), 2505-2517, 2004
Studies on organometallic selective estrogen receptor modulators.(SERMs) Dual activity in the hydroxy-ferrocifen series
S Top, A Vessieres, C Cabestaing, I Laios, G Leclercq, C Provot, ...
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 637, 500-506, 2001
Modification of the estrogenic properties of diphenols by the incorporation of ferrocene. Generation of antiproliferative effects in vitro
A Vessieres, S Top, P Pigeon, E Hillard, L Boubeker, D Spera, G Jaouen
Journal of medicinal chemistry 48 (12), 3937-3940, 2005
Ferrocenyl hydroxytamoxifen: a prototype for a new range of oestradiol receptor site-directed cytotoxics
S Top, J Tang, A Vessières, D Carrez, C Provot, G Jaouen
Chemical Communications, 955-956, 1996
Rhenium Carbonyl Complexes of. beta.-Estradiol Derivatives with High Affinity for the Estradiol Receptor: An Approach to Selective Organometallic Radiopharmaceuticals
S Top, H El Hafa, A Vessieres, J Quivy, J Vaissermann, DW Hughes, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 117 (32), 8372-8380, 1995
Electrochemical parameters and techniques in drug development, with an emphasis on quinones and related compounds
EA Hillard, FC de Abreu, DCM Ferreira, G Jaouen, MOF Goulart, ...
Chemical Communications, 2612-2628, 2008
Ferrocenyl quinone methides as strong antiproliferative agents: formation by metabolic and chemical oxidation of ferrocenyl phenols
P Herson, G Jaouen, D Mansuy
Angew. Chem 121, 9288-9290, 2009
Facile route to ferrocifen, 1-[4-(2-dimethylaminoethoxy)]-1-(phenyl-2-ferrocenyl-but-1-ene), first organometallic analogue of tamoxifen, by the McMurry reaction
S Top, B Dauer, J Vaissermann, G Jaouen
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 541 (1-2), 355-361, 1997
Bioorganometallics: Future Trends in Drug Discovery, Analytical Chemistry, and Catalysis,
EA Hillard, G Jaouen
Organometallics 30 (1), 20-27, 2011
Ferrocifens and ferrocifenols as new potential weapons against breast cancer
A Nguyen, A Vessières, EA Hillard, S Top, P Pigeon, G Jaouen
Chimia 61 (11), 716-716, 2007
Medicinal organometallic chemistry
G Jaouen, N Metzler-Nolte
Springer, 2010
Facile syntheses of optically active 2-substituted indanones, indanols, tetralones, and tetralols via their chromium tricarbonyl complexes
G Jaouen, A Meyer
Journal of the American Chemical Society 97 (16), 4667-4672, 1975
New paradigms for synthetic pathways inspired by bioorganometallic chemistry
G Jaouen, S Top, A Vessières, R Alberto
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 600 (1-2), 23-36, 2000
A [3] ferrocenophane polyphenol showing a remarkable antiproliferative activity on breast and prostate cancer cell lines
D Plazuk, A Vessières, EA Hillard, O Buriez, E Labbé, P Pigeon, ...
Journal of medicinal chemistry 52 (15), 4964-4967, 2009
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مقالات 1–20