David Biron
David Biron
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على uchicago.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The AFD sensory neurons encode multiple functions underlying thermotactic behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans
DA Clark, D Biron, P Sengupta, ADT Samuel
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (28), 7444-7451, 2006
An olfactory neuron responds stochastically to temperature and modulates Caenorhabditis elegans thermotactic behavior
D Biron, S Wasserman, JH Thomas, ADT Samuel, P Sengupta
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (31), 11002-11007, 2008
Neurobiology of Caenorhabditis elegans Locomotion: Where Do We Stand?
J Gjorgjieva, D Biron, G Haspel
Bioscience 64 (6), 476-486, 2014
A diacylglycerol kinase modulates long-term thermotactic behavioral plasticity in C. elegans
D Biron, M Shibuya, C Gabel, SM Wasserman, DA Clark, A Brown, ...
Nature neuroscience 9 (12), 1499-1505, 2006
The Microarchitecture of C. elegans Behavior during Lethargus: Homeostatic Bout Dynamics, a Typical Body Posture, and Regulation by a Central Neuron
S Iwanir, N Tramm, S Nagy, C Wright, D Ish, D Biron
sleep 36 (3), 385-395, 2013
Sleep and development in genetically tractable model organisms
MS Kayser, D Biron
Genetics 203 (1), 21-33, 2016
Serotonin-dependent kinetics of feeding bursts underlie a graded response to food availability in C. elegans
KS Lee, S Iwanir, RB Kopito, M Scholz, JA Calarco, D Biron, E Levine
Nature communications 8 (1), 14221, 2017
Sensorimotor control during isothermal tracking in Caenorhabditis elegans
L Luo, DA Clark, D Biron, L Mahadevan, ADT Samuel
Journal of experimental biology 209 (23), 4652-4662, 2006
Homeostasis in C. elegans sleep is characterized by two behaviorally and genetically distinct mechanisms
S Nagy, N Tramm, J Sanders, S Iwanir, IA Shirley, E Levine, D Biron
elife 3, e04380, 2014
Agent-based modelling in population studies
A Grow, TJ van Bavel
Springer, 2017
Serotonin promotes exploitation in complex environments by accelerating decision-making
S Iwanir, AS Brown, S Nagy, D Najjar, A Kazakov, KS Lee, A Zaslaver, ...
BMC biology 14, 1-15, 2016
Glia modulate a neuronal circuit for locomotion suppression during sleep in C. elegans
M Katz, F Corson, S Iwanir, D Biron, S Shaham
Cell reports 22 (10), 2575-2583, 2018
Measurements of behavioral quiescence in Caenorhabditis elegans
S Nagy, DM Raizen, D Biron
Methods 68 (3), 500-507, 2014
Temperature and food mediate long-term thermotactic behavioral plasticity by association-independent mechanisms in C. elegans
CA Chi, DA Clark, S Lee, D Biron, L Luo, CV Gabel, J Brown, P Sengupta, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 210 (22), 4043-4052, 2007
A scalable method for automatically measuring pharyngeal pumping in C. elegans
M Scholz, DJ Lynch, KS Lee, E Levine, D Biron
Journal of neuroscience methods 274, 172-178, 2016
The effect of α-actinin on the length distribution of f-actin
D Biron, E Moses
Biophysical journal 86 (5), 3284-3290, 2004
The Caenorhabditis elegans interneuron ALA is (also) a high-threshold mechanosensor
J Sanders, S Nagy, G Fetterman, C Wright, M Treinin, D Biron
BMC neuroscience 14, 1-11, 2013
Molecular model of the contractile ring
D Biron, E Alvarez-Lacalle, T Tlusty, E Moses
Physical review letters 95 (9), 098102, 2005
A longitudinal study of Caenorhabditis elegans larvae reveals a novel locomotion switch, regulated by Gαs signaling
S Nagy, C Wright, N Tramm, N Labello, S Burov, D Biron
Elife 2, e00782, 2013
Why do sleeping nematodes adopt a hockey-stick-like posture?
N Tramm, N Oppenheimer, S Nagy, E Efrati, D Biron
PLoS One 9 (7), e101162, 2014
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مقالات 1–20