Bernard T Nolan
Bernard T Nolan
USGS retired
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Drinking water nitrate and human health: an updated review
MH Ward, RR Jones, JD Brender, TM De Kok, PJ Weyer, BT Nolan, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (7), 1557, 2018
Workgroup report: drinking-water nitrate and health—recent findings and research needs
MH Ward, TM DeKok, P Levallois, J Brender, G Gulis, BT Nolan, ...
Environmental health perspectives 113 (11), 1607-1614, 2005
Nitrate in groundwater of the United States, 1991− 2003
KR Burow, BT Nolan, MG Rupert, NM Dubrovsky
Environmental science & technology 44 (13), 4988-4997, 2010
The quality of our nation's waters: Nutrients in the nation's streams and groundwater, 1992-2004
NM Dubrovsky, KR Burow, GM Clark, JAM Gronberg, PA Hamilton, KJ Hitt, ...
Circular, 2010
Probability of nitrate contamination of recently recharged groundwaters in the conterminous United States
BT Nolan, KJ Hitt, BC Ruddy
Environmental science & technology 36 (10), 2138-2145, 2002
Risk of Nitrate in groundwaters of the United States a national perspective
BT Nolan, BC Ruddy, KJ Hitt, DR Helsel
Environmental science & technology 31 (8), 2229-2236, 1997
Excess nitrogen in the US environment: trends, risks, and solutions
EA Davidson, MB David, JN Galloway, CL Goodale, R Haeuber, ...
Issues in ecology, 2011
Nutrients in groundwaters of the conterminous United States, 1992− 1995
BT Nolan, JD Stoner
Environmental Science & Technology 34 (7), 1156-1165, 2000
Vulnerability of shallow groundwater and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States
BT Nolan, KJ Hitt
Environmental science & technology 40 (24), 7834-7840, 2006
VOCs, pesticides, nitrate, and their mixtures in groundwater used for drinking water in the United States
PJ Squillace, JC Scott, MJ Moran, BT Nolan, DW Kolpin
Environmental science & technology 36 (9), 1923-1930, 2002
Estimating the high-arsenic domestic-well population in the conterminous United States
JD Ayotte, L Medalie, SL Qi, LC Backer, BT Nolan
Environmental science & technology 51 (21), 12443-12454, 2017
Relating nitrogen sources and aquifer susceptibility to nitrate in shallow ground waters of the United States
BT Nolan
Groundwater 39 (2), 290-299, 2001
The interactive effects of excess reactive nitrogen and climate change on aquatic ecosystems and water resources of the United States
JS Baron, EK Hall, BT Nolan, JC Finlay, ES Bernhardt, JA Harrison, ...
Biogeochemistry 114, 71-92, 2013
Root zone water quality model (RZWQM2): Model use, calibration, and validation
L Ma, LR Ahuja, BT Nolan, RW Malone, TJ Trout, Z Qi
Transactions of the ASABE 55 (4), 1425-1446, 2012
A national look at nitrate contamination of ground water
BT Nolan, BC Ruddy, KJ Hitt, DR Helsel
Water conditioning and purification 39 (12), 76-79, 1998
Modeling groundwater nitrate concentrations in private wells in Iowa
DC Wheeler, BT Nolan, AR Flory, CT DellaValle, MH Ward
Science of the Total Environment 536, 481-488, 2015
A hybrid machine learning model to predict and visualize nitrate concentration throughout the Central Valley aquifer, California, USA
KM Ransom, BT Nolan, JA Traum, CC Faunt, AM Bell, JAM Gronberg, ...
Science of the Total Environment 601, 1160-1172, 2017
A statistical learning framework for groundwater nitrate models of the Central Valley, California, USA
BT Nolan, MN Fienen, DL Lorenz
Journal of Hydrology 531, 902-911, 2015
Modeling the probability of arsenic in groundwater in New England as a tool for exposure assessment
JD Ayotte, BT Nolan, JR Nuckols, KP Cantor, GR Robinson, D Baris, ...
Environmental science & technology 40 (11), 3578-3585, 2006
Factors influencing ground-water recharge in the eastern United States
BT Nolan, RW Healy, PE Taber, K Perkins, KJ Hitt, DM Wolock
Journal of Hydrology 332 (1-2), 187-205, 2007
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مقالات 1–20