Henry F. Fradella
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
America's Courts and the Criminal Justice System (13th ed.)
DW Neubauer, HF Fradella
Cengage Learning, 2019
Stop and frisk: The use and abuse of a controversial policing tactic
MD White, HF Fradella
Stop and Frisk, 2016
Sex offender myths in print media: Separating fact from fiction in US newspapers
MA Galeste, HF Fradella, B Vogel
W. Criminology Rev. 13, 4, 2012
Why judges should admit expert testimony on the unreliability of eyewitness testimony
HF Fradella
Fed. Cts. L. Rev. 2, 1, 2007
Policing a pandemic: stay-at-home orders and what they mean for the police
MD White, HF Fradella
American journal of criminal justice 45, 702-717, 2020
The impact of Daubert on the admissibility of behavioral science testimony
HF Fradella, A Fogarty, L O'Neill
Pepp. L. Rev. 30, 403, 2002
Assessing LGBT people’s perceptions of police legitimacy
LM Dario, HF Fradella, M Verhagen, MM Parry
Journal of homosexuality, 2020
Quantifying Katz: Empirically measuring reasonable expectations of privacy in the fourth amendment context
HF Fradella, WJ Morrow, RG Fischer, C Ireland
Am. J. Crim. L. 38, 289, 2010
After the Stop: Exploring the Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Police Use of Force During Terry Stops
WJ Morrow, MD White, HF Fradella
Police quarterly 20 (4), 367-396, 2017
Does privacy require secrecy: Societal expectations of privacy in the digital age
CS Scott-Hayward, HF Fradella, RG Fischer
Am. J. Crim. L. 43, 19, 2015
From Insanity to Beyond Diminished Capacity: Mental Illness and Criminal Excuse in the Post-Clark Era
HF Fradella
U. Fla. JL & Pub. Pol'y 18, 7, 2007
The impact of Daubert on forensic science
HF Fradella, L O'Neill, A Fogary
Pepp. L. Rev. 31, 323, 2003
Punishing poverty: How bail and pretrial detention fuel inequalities in the criminal justice system
CS Scott-Hayward, HF Fradella
University of California Press, 2019
Media messages surrounding missing women and girls: The" missing white woman syndrome" and other factors that influence newsworthiness
DC Slakoff, HF Fradella
Criminology, Crim. Just. L & Soc'y 20, 80, 2019
Criminal Procedure for the Criminal Justice Professional
J Ferdico, HF Fradella, CD and Totten
Cengage Learning, 2012
Mental Illness and Crime
RA Schug, HF Fradella
(No Title), 2015
Depictions of correctional officers in newspaper media: An ethnographic content analysis
SG Vickovic, ML Griffin, HF Fradella
Criminal Justice Studies 26 (4), 455-477, 2013
Supporting strategies for equity, diversity, and inclusion in higher education faculty hiring
HF Fradella
Diversity and inclusion in higher education and societal contexts …, 2018
When music takes the stand: A content analysis of how courts use and misuse rap lyrics in criminal cases
E Lutes, J Purdon, HF Fradella
Am. J. Crim. L. 46, 77, 2019
Integrating gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues into the undergraduate criminal justice curriculum
HF Fradella, SS Owen, TW Burke
Journal of Criminal Justice Education 20 (2), 127-156, 2009
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مقالات 1–20