Changing climate drives future streamflow declines and challenges in meeting water demand across the southwestern United States OL Miller, AL Putman, J Alder, M Miller, DK Jones, DR Wise Journal of Hydrology X 11, 100074, 2021 | 89 | 2021 |
Dynamically downscaled climate simulations over North America: Methods, evaluation, and supporting documentation for users SW Hostetler, JR Alder, AM Allan Open-File Report, 2011 | 88 | 2011 |
Phasing of millennial-scale climate variability in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans MH Walczak, AC Mix, EA Cowan, S Fallon, LK Fifield, JR Alder, J Du, ... Science 370 (6517), 716-720, 2020 | 69 | 2020 |
Coastal paleogeography of the California–Oregon–Washington and Bering Sea continental shelves during the latest Pleistocene and Holocene: implications for the archaeological record J Clark, JX Mitrovica, J Alder Journal of Archaeological Science 52, 12-23, 2014 | 68 | 2014 |
Thermal controls of Yellowstone cutthroat trout and invasive fishes under climate change R Al‐Chokhachy, J Alder, S Hostetler, R Gresswell, B Shepard Global change biology 19 (10), 3069-3081, 2013 | 67 | 2013 |
Global climate simulations at 3000-year intervals for the last 21 000 years with the GENMOM coupled atmosphere–ocean model JR Alder, SW Hostetler Climate of the Past 11 (3), 449-471, 2015 | 65 | 2015 |
Evaluation of a present-day climate simulation with a new coupled atmosphere-ocean model GENMOM JR Alder, SW Hostetler, D Pollard, A Schmittner Geoscientific Model Development 4 (1), 69-83, 2011 | 61* | 2011 |
Web based visualization of large climate data sets JR Alder, SW Hostetler Environmental Modelling & Software 68, 175-180, 2015 | 57 | 2015 |
The dependence of hydroclimate projections in snow‐dominated regions of the western United States on the choice of statistically downscaled climate data JR Alder, SW Hostetler Water Resources Research 55 (3), 2279-2300, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
How will baseflow respond to climate change in the Upper Colorado River Basin? OL Miller, MP Miller, PC Longley, JR Alder, LA Bearup, T Pruitt, DK Jones, ... Geophysical Research Letters 48 (22), e2021GL095085, 2021 | 47 | 2021 |
A North American hydroclimate synthesis (NAHS) of the Common Era JR Rodysill, L Anderson, TM Cronin, MC Jones, RS Thompson, DB Wahl, ... Global and planetary change 162, 175-198, 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
Predicted vulnerability of carbon in permafrost peatlands with future climate change and permafrost thaw in Western Canada CC Treat, MC Jones, J Alder, ABK Sannel, P Camill, S Frolking Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126 (5), e2020JG005872, 2021 | 34 | 2021 |
Paleoclimate PJ Bartlein, SW Hostetler, JR Alder Climate Change in North America, 1-51, 2014 | 32 | 2014 |
Implementation and evaluation of a monthly water balance model over the US on an 800 m grid SW Hostetler, JR Alder Water Resources Research 52 (12), 9600-9620, 2016 | 31 | 2016 |
An interactive web application for visualizing climate data J Alder, S Hostetler, D Williams Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 94 (22), 197-198, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
USGS national climate change viewer JR Alder, SW Hostetler US Geological Survey 10, F7W9575T, 2013 | 27 | 2013 |
Atmospheric and surface climate associated with 1986–2013 wildfires in North America SW Hostetler, PJ Bartlein, JR Alder Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123 (5), 1588-1609, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Ice and ocean constraints on early human migrations into North America along the Pacific coast SK Praetorius, JR Alder, A Condron, AC Mix, MH Walczak, BE Caissie, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (7), e2208738120, 2023 | 15 | 2023 |
Analysis of the present and future winter Pacific-North American teleconnection in the ECHAM5 global and RegCM3 regional climate models AM Allan, SW Hostetler, JR Alder Climate dynamics 42, 1671-1682, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
CMIP5 global climate change viewer JR Alder, SW Hostetler US Geological Survey, available at: http://regclim. coas. oregonstate. edu …, 2013 | 13 | 2013 |