Laura M. Arpan
Laura M. Arpan
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على buffalo.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A cognitive approach to understanding university image
LM Arpan, AA Raney, S Zivnuska
Corporate communications: An international journal 8 (2), 97-113, 2003
The effectiveness of" in-game" advertising: Comparing college students' explicit and implicit memory for brand names
M Yang, DR Roskos-Ewoldsen, L Dinu, LM Arpan
Journal of Advertising 35 (4), 143-152, 2006
Stealing thunder: Analysis of the effects of proactive disclosure of crisis information
LM Arpan, DR Roskos-Ewoldsen
Public Relations Review 31 (3), 425-433, 2005
Instagram and college women's body image: Investigating the roles of appearance-related comparisons and intrasexual competition
J Hendrickse, LM Arpan, RB Clayton, JL Ridgway
Computers in Human Behavior 74, 92-100, 2017
At the movies, on the web: An investigation of the effects of entertaining and interactive web content on site and brand evaluations
AA Raney, LM Arpan, K Pashupati, DA Brill
Journal of interactive marketing 17 (4), 38-53, 2003
Stormy weather: Testing “stealing thunder” as a crisis communication strategy to improve communication flow between organizations and journalists
LM Arpan, D Pompper
Public Relations Review 29 (3), 291-308, 2003
An experimental investigation of news source and the hostile media effect
LM Arpan, AA Raney
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 80 (2), 265-281, 2003
Between the technology acceptance model and sustainable energy technology acceptance model: Investigating smart meter acceptance in the United States
C Chen, X Xu, L Arpan
Energy research & social science 25, 93-104, 2017
News coverage of social protests and the effects of photographs and prior attitudes
LM Arpan, K Baker, Y Lee, T Jung, L Lorusso, J Smith
Mass Communication & Society 9 (1), 1-20, 2006
What drives our behaviors in buildings? A review on occupant interactions with building systems from the lens of behavioral theories
A Heydarian, C McIlvennie, L Arpan, S Yousefi, M Syndicus, M Schweiker, ...
Building and Environment 179, 106928, 2020
When in Rome? The effects of spokesperson ethnicity on audience evaluation of crisis communication
LM Arpan
The Journal of Business Communication (1973) 39 (3), 314-339, 2002
Exploring anger in the hostile media process: Effects on news preferences and source evaluation
LM Arpan, RL Nabi
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 88 (1), 5-22, 2011
The moderating role of individual differences in responses to benefit and temporal framing of messages promoting residential energy saving
X Xu, LM Arpan, C Chen
Journal of Environmental Psychology 44, 95-108, 2015
The effects of exemplification on perceptions of news credibility
LM Arpan
Mass Communication and Society 12 (3), 249-270, 2009
Effects of race and ethnic identity on audience evaluation of HIV public service announcements
X Wang, LM Arpan
The Howard Journal of Communications 19 (1), 44-63, 2008
An experimental investigation of occupancy-based energy-efficient control of commercial building indoor climate
J Brooks, S Goyal, R Subramany, Y Lin, T Middelkoop, L Arpan, L Carloni, ...
53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 5680-5685, 2014
A trauma-informed approach to building college students’ resilience
K Oehme, A Perko, J Clark, EC Ray, L Arpan, L Bradley
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work 16 (1), 93-107, 2019
Politics, values, and morals: Assessing consumer responses to the framing of residential renewable energy in the United States
LM Arpan, X Xu, AA Raney, C Chen, Z Wang
Energy research & social science 46, 321-331, 2018
Integrating self-affirmation with health risk messages: Effects on message evaluation and response
LM Arpan, YS Lee, Z Wang
Health communication 32 (2), 189-199, 2017
Attitude accessibility: Theory, methods, and future directions
L Arpan, N Rhodes, DR Roskos-Ewoldsen
Communication and social cognition: Theories and methods, 351-376, 2007
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مقالات 1–20