Gabriel Gascó
Gabriel Gascó
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Use of phytoremediation and biochar to remediate heavy metal polluted soils: a review
J Paz-Ferreiro, H Lu, S Fu, A Mendez, G Gasco
Solid earth 5 (1), 65-75, 2014
Effects of sewage sludge biochar on plant metal availability after application to a Mediterranean soil
A Mendez, A Gomez, J Paz-Ferreiro, G Gasco
Chemosphere 89 (11), 1354-1359, 2012
Soil biochemical activities and the geometric mean of enzyme activities after application of sewage sludge and sewage sludge biochar to soil
J Paz-Ferreiro, G Gasco, B Gutiérrez, A Mendez
Biology and fertility of soils 48, 511-517, 2012
Biochars and hydrochars prepared by pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonisation of pig manure
G Gascó, J Paz-Ferreiro, ML Álvarez, A Saa, A Méndez
Waste management 79, 395-403, 2018
Physicochemical and agronomic properties of biochar from sewage sludge pyrolysed at different temperatures
A Méndez, M Terradillos, G Gascó
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 102, 124-130, 2013
Agronomic properties of biochars from different manure wastes
P Cely, G Gascó, J Paz-Ferreiro, A Méndez
Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis 111, 173-182, 2015
Interactive effects of biochar and the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus on plant productivity and soil enzyme activities
J Paz-Ferreiro, S Fu, A Méndez, G Gascó
Journal of Soils and Sediments 14, 483-494, 2014
Biochar from biosolids pyrolysis: a review
J Paz-Ferreiro, A Nieto, A Méndez, MPJ Askeland, G Gascó
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (5), 956, 2018
Characterization of hydrochars produced by hydrothermal carbonization of rice husk
D Kalderis, MS Kotti, A Méndez, G Gascó
Solid Earth 5 (1), 477-483, 2014
Soil resources and element stocks in drylands to face global issues
C Plaza, C Zaccone, K Sawicka, AM Méndez, A Tarquis, G Gascó, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 13788, 2018
Use of magnetic biochars for the immobilization of heavy metals in a multi-contaminated soil
HP Lu, ZA Li, G Gasco, A Mendez, Y Shen, J Paz-Ferreiro
Science of the Total Environment 622, 892-899, 2018
Combining phytoextraction and biochar addition improves soil biochemical properties in a soil contaminated with Cd
H Lu, Z Li, S Fu, A Méndez, G Gascó, J Paz-Ferreiro
Chemosphere 119, 209-216, 2015
Characterization and pyrolysis behaviour of different paper mill waste materials
A Méndez, JM Fidalgo, F Guerrero, G Gascó
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 86 (1), 66-73, 2009
Synergistic use of peat and charred material in growing media–an option to reduce the pressure on peatlands?
J Kern, P Tammeorg, M Shanskiy, R Sakrabani, H Knicker, C Kammann, ...
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 25 (2), 160-174, 2017
Solubility and Toxicity of Antimony Trioxide (Sb2O3) in Soil
K Oorts, E Smolders, F Degryse, J Buekers, G Gascó, G Cornelis, ...
Environmental science & technology 42 (12), 4378-4383, 2008
Response of different soil organic matter pools to biochar and organic fertilizers
C Plaza, B Giannetta, JM Fernández, EG López-de-Sá, A Polo, G Gascó, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 225, 150-159, 2016
Preparation of carbon-based adsorbents from pyrolysis and air activation of sewage sludges
A Méndez, G Gascó, MMA Freitas, G Siebielec, T Stuczynski, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 108 (1-2), 169-177, 2005
The influence of organic matter on sewage sludge pyrolysis
G Gascó, CG Blanco, F Guerrero, AMM Lázaro
Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis 74 (1-2), 413-420, 2005
Influence of pig manure and its biochar on soil CO2 emissions and soil enzymes
G Gasco, J Paz-Ferreiro, P Cely, C Plaza, A Mendez
Ecological Engineering 95, 19-24, 2016
Biochar from pyrolysis of deinking paper sludge and its use in the treatment of a nickel polluted soil
A Mendez, J Paz-Ferreiro, F Araujo, G Gasco
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 107, 46-52, 2014
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مقالات 1–20