Julie Ancis
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Student perceptions of campus cultural climate by race
JR Ancis, WE Sedlacek, JJ Mohr
Journal of Counseling & Development 78 (2), 180-185, 2000
Psychotherapy trainees' experience of counterproductive events in supervision.
LA Gray, N Ladany, JA Walker, JR Ancis
Journal of Counseling Psychology 48 (4), 371, 2001
Social adjustment experiences of African American college students
AM Schwitzer, OT Griffin, JR Ancis, CR Thomas
Journal of Counseling & Development 77 (2), 189-197, 1999
Gender attitudes, feminist identity, and body images among college women
TF Cash, JR Ancis, MD Strachan
Sex Roles 36, 433-447, 1997
Awareness of White privilege among White counseling trainees
JR Ancis, DM Szymanski
The counseling psychologist 29 (4), 548-569, 2001
A multicultural framework for counselor supervision
JR Ancis, N Ladany
Counselor supervision, 79-122, 2011
Using a multicultural framework to assess supervisees' perceptions of culturally competent supervision
JR Ancis, DS Marshall
Journal of Counseling & Development 88 (3), 277-284, 2010
Academic gender bias and women's behavioral agency self‐efficacy
JR Ancis, SD Phillips
Journal of Counseling & Development 75 (2), 131-137, 1996
Emotional reactions to physiological sensations: Panic disorder patients and non-clinical Ss
RM Rapee, JR Ancis, DH Barlow
Behaviour Research and Therapy 26 (3), 265-269, 1988
Racial identity buffers African American women from body image problems and disordered eating
LB Watson, JR Ancis, DN White, N Nazari
Psychology of Women Quarterly 37 (3), 337-350, 2013
Black women's body image: An analysis of culture-specific influences
K Kelch-Oliver, JR Ancis
Women & Therapy 34 (4), 345-358, 2011
The process of identity development as the parent of a lesbian or gay male
MJ Phillips, JR Ancis
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling 2 (2), 126-158, 2008
Promoting Student Learning and Student Development at a Distance: Student Affairs Concepts and Practices for Televised Instruction and Other Forms of Distance Learning.
AM Schwitzer, JR Ancis, N Brown
University Press of America, Inc., 4720 Boston Way, Lanham, MD 20706 …, 2001
Culturally responsive practice
JR Ancis
Culturally responsive interventions, 12-30, 2004
Predicting the Academic Achievement of Female Students Using the SAT and Noncognitive Variables.
JR Ancis, WE Sedlacek
College and University 72 (3), 2-8, 1997
Power and control in the legal system: From marriage/relationship to divorce and custody
LB Watson, JR Ancis
Violence against women 19 (2), 166-186, 2013
Cultural competency training at a distance: Challenges and strategies
JR Ancis
Journal of Counseling & Development 76 (2), 134-143, 1998
The age of cyberpsychology: An overview
JR Ancis
PubPub, 2020
Therapist effects, working alliance, and African American women substance users.
TA Davis, JR Ancis, JS Ashby
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 21 (1), 126, 2015
Toward integrating feminist and multicultural pedagogies.
CZ Enns, AL Sinacore, JR Ancis, J Phillips
Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development 32, 2004
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مقالات 1–20