Anvar Gilmanov
Anvar Gilmanov
Combustion Science & Engineering, Inc.
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A hybrid Cartesian/immersed boundary method for simulating flows with 3D, geometrically complex, moving bodies
A Gilmanov, F Sotiropoulos
Journal of computational physics 207 (2), 457-492, 2005
A general reconstruction algorithm for simulating flows with complex 3D immersed boundaries on Cartesian grids
A Gilmanov, F Sotiropoulos, E Balaras
Journal of Computational Physics 191 (2), 660-669, 2003
Fluid Mechanics of Heart Valves and Their Replacements
F Sotiropoulos, TB Le, A Gilmanov
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 48 (1), 0
A numerical approach for simulating fluid structure interaction of flexible thin shells undergoing arbitrarily large deformations in complex domains
A Gilmanov, TB Le, F Sotiropoulos
Journal of computational physics 300, 814-843, 2015
A hybrid immersed boundary and material point method for simulating 3D fluid–structure interaction problems
A Gilmanov, S Acharya
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 56 (12), 2151-2177, 2008
Flow simulations in arbitrarily complex cardiovascular anatomies–An unstructured Cartesian grid approach
D de Zelicourt, L Ge, C Wang, F Sotiropoulos, A Gilmanov, A Yoganathan
Computers & Fluids 38 (9), 1749-1762, 2009
Nonreflecting conditions at the boundaries of the computational domain
MA Ilgamov, AN Gilmanov
Publishing Company Fizmatlit, 2003
Comparative hemodynamics in an aorta with bicuspid and trileaflet valves
A Gilmanov, F Sotiropoulos
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 30, 67-85, 2016
A computational strategy for simulating heat transfer and flow past deformable objects
A Gilmanov, S Acharya
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (17-18), 4415-4426, 2008
Nonlinear rotation‐free three‐node shell finite element formulation
H Stolarski, A Gilmanov, F Sotiropoulos
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 95 (9), 740-770, 2013
Virtual flow simulator
A Calderer, X Yang, D Angelidis, A Khosronejad, T Le, S Kang, ...
Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (United States), 2015
Image-guided fluid-structure interaction simulation of transvalvular hemodynamics: Quantifying the effects of varying aortic valve leaflet thickness
A Gilmanov, A Barker, H Stolarski, F Sotiropoulos
Fluids 4 (3), 119, 2019
Non-linear rotation-free shell finite-element models for aortic heart valves
A Gilmanov, H Stolarski, F Sotiropoulos
Journal of biomechanics 50, 56-62, 2017
Flow–structure interaction simulations of the aortic heart valve at physiologic conditions: The role of tissue constitutive model
A Gilmanov, H Stolarski, F Sotiropoulos
Journal of biomechanical engineering 140 (4), 041003, 2018
Embedded shell finite elements: Solid–shell interaction, surface locking, and application to image-based bio-structures
D Schillinger, T Gangwar, A Gilmanov, JD Heuschele, HK Stolarski
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 335, 298-326, 2018
Methods of Adaptive Meshes in Gas Dynamic Problems
A Gilmanov
Publishing Company Fizmatlit, 2000
The effect of modifying a CFD-AB approach on fish passage through a model hydraulic dam
A Gilmanov, D Zielinski, V Voller, P Sorensen
Water 11 (9), 1776, 2019
High resolution simulation of tri-leaflet aortic heart valve in an idealized aorta
T Bao Le, A Gilmanov, F Sotiropoulos
Journal of Medical Devices 7 (3), 030930, 2013
Flow-structure interaction simulations for Ballutes in supersonic flow
A Gilmanov, S Acharya, T Gilmanov
20th AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference and Seminar …, 2009
Application of Dynamically Adaptive Grids to the Analysis of Flows with a Multi-scale Structure
A Gilmanov
J. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 41 (2), 289-303, 2001
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مقالات 1–20