Song-You Hong
Song-You Hong
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A new vertical diffusion package with an explicit treatment of entrainment processes
SY Hong, Y Noh, J Dudhia
Monthly weather review 134 (9), 2318-2341, 2006
The WRF single-moment 6-class microphysics scheme (WSM6)
SY Hong, JOJ Lim
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 42 (2), 129-151, 2006
A revised approach to ice microphysical processes for the bulk parameterization of clouds and precipitation
SY Hong, J Dudhia, SH Chen
Monthly weather review 132 (1), 103-120, 2004
Nonlocal boundary layer vertical diffusion in a medium-range forecast model
SY Hong, HL Pan
Monthly weather review 124 (10), 2322, 1996
Development of an effective double-moment cloud microphysics scheme with prognostic cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) for weather and climate models
KSS Lim, SY Hong
Monthly weather review 138 (5), 1587-1612, 2010
Improvement of the K-profile model for the planetary boundary layer based on large eddy simulation data
Y Noh, WG Cheon, SY Hong, S Raasch
Boundary-layer meteorology 107, 401-427, 2003
Intercomparison of planetary boundary-layer parametrizations in the WRF model for a single day from CASES-99
HH Shin, SY Hong
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 139, 261-281, 2011
The NCEP regional spectral model: An update
HMH Juang, SY Hong, M Kanamitsu
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 78 (10), 2125-2144, 1997
A new stable boundary‐layer mixing scheme and its impact on the simulated East Asian summer monsoon
SY Hong
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 136 (651), 1481-1496, 2010
Representation of the subgrid-scale turbulent transport in convective boundary layers at gray-zone resolutions
HH Shin, SY Hong
Monthly Weather Review 143 (1), 250-271, 2015
NCEP dynamical seasonal forecast system 2000
M Kanamitsu, A Kumar, HMH Juang, JK Schemm, W Wang, F Yang, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 83 (7), 1019-1037, 2002
Convective trigger function for a mass-flux cumulus parameterization scheme
SY Hong, HL Pan
Monthly Weather Review 126 (10), 2599-2620, 1998
Implementation of prognostic cloud scheme for a regional spectral model
SY Hong, HMH Juang, Q Zhao
Monthly Weather Review 126 (10), 2621-2639, 1998
Project to intercompare regional climate simulations (PIRCS): description and initial results
ES Takle, WJ Gutowski, RW Arritt, Z Pan, CJ Anderson, RR da Silva, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984–2012) 104 (D16), 19443-19461, 1999
Assessment of future climate change over East Asia due to the RCP scenarios downscaled by GRIMs-RMP
JW Lee, SY Hong, EC Chang, MS Suh, HS Kang
Climate dynamics 42, 733-747, 2014
The global/regional integrated model system (GRIMs)
SY Hong, H Park, HB Cheong, JEE Kim, MS Koo, J Jang, S Ham, ...
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 49, 219-243, 2013
Evaluation of multiple regional climate models for summer climate extremes over East Asia
C Park, SK Min, D Lee, DH Cha, MS Suh, HS Kang, SY Hong, DK Lee, ...
Climate Dynamics 46, 2469-2486, 2016
Changes to the 1995 NCEP operational medium-range forecast model analysis–forecast system
P Caplan, J Derber, W Gemmill, SY Hong, HL Pan, D Parrish
Weather and Forecasting 12 (3), 581-594, 1997
Recent increase of surface particulate matter concentrations in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, Korea
HC Kim, S Kim, BU Kim, CS Jin, S Hong, R Park, SW Son, C Bae, MA Bae, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 4710, 2017
Role of sea surface temperature and soil-moisture feedback in the 1998 Oklahoma–Texas drought
SY Hong, E Kalnay
Nature 408 (6814), 842-844, 2000
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مقالات 1–20