Quantum size effects in metal particles WP Halperin
Reviews of Modern Physics 58 (3), 533, 1986
1745 1986 Molecular dynamics in restricted geometries J Klafter, JM Drake
(No Title), 1989
391 1989 Observation of Nuclear Magnetic Order in Solid WP Halperin, CN Archie, FB Rasmussen, RA Buhrman, RC Richardson
Physical Review Letters 32 (17), 927, 1974
358 1974 Observation of broken time-reversal symmetry in the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt3 ER Schemm, WJ Gannon, CM Wishne, WP Halperin, A Kapitulnik
Science 345 (6193), 190-193, 2014
276 2014 Application of spin-spin relaxation to measurement of surface area and pore size distributions in a hydrating cement paste WP Halperin, JY Jehng, YQ Song
Magnetic resonance imaging 12 (2), 169-173, 1994
265 1994 Spatially resolved electronic structure inside and outside the vortex cores of a high-temperature superconductor VF Mitrović, EE Sigmund, M Eschrig, HN Bachman, WP Halperin, ...
Nature 413 (6855), 501-504, 2001
248 2001 Molecular diffusion and nuclear-magnetic-resonance relaxation of water in unsaturated porous silica glass F D’Orazio, S Bhattacharja, WP Halperin, K Eguchi, T Mizusaki
Physical Review B 42 (16), 9810, 1990
232 1990 Homogeneous Equal-Spin Pairing Superfluid State of in Aerogel DT Sprague, TM Haard, JB Kycia, MR Rand, Y Lee, PJ Hamot, ...
Physical review letters 75 (4), 661, 1995
220 1995 Application of nuclear magnetic resonance pore structure analysis to porous silica glass F d’Orazio, JC Tarczon, WP Halperin, K Eguchi, T Mizusaki
Journal of Applied Physics 65 (2), 742-751, 1989
180 1989 Pore structure of hydrating cement paste by magnetic resonance relaxation analysis and freezing JY Jehng, DT Sprague, WP Halperin
Magnetic resonance imaging 14 (7-8), 785-791, 1996
166 1996 Properties of melting 3 He: Specific heat, entropy, latent heat, and temperature WP Halperin, FB Rasmussen, CN Archie, RC Richardson
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 31, 617-698, 1978
149 1978 Enhanced self-diffusion of water in restricted geometry F D’Orazio, S Bhattacharja, WP Halperin, R Gerhardt
Physical review letters 63 (1), 43, 1989
139 1989 Order-parameter collective modes in superfluid 3He WP HALPERIN, E Varoquaux
Modern Problems in Condensed Matter Sciences 26, 353-522, 1990
113 1990 Specific heat of normal and superfluid on the melting curve WP Halperin, CN Archie, FB Rasmussen, TA Alvesalo, RC Richardson
Physical Review B 13 (5), 2124, 1976
102 1976 Measurements of High-Frequency Sound Propagation in - DB Mast, BK Sarma, JR Owers-Bradley, ID Calder, JB Ketterson, ...
Physical Review Letters 45 (4), 266, 1980
98 1980 The Transition Between Real and Complex Superconducting Order Parameter Phases in UPt3 JD Strand, DJ Bahr, DJ Van Harlingen, JP Davis, WJ Gannon, ...
Science 328 (5984), 1368-1369, 2010
96 2010 Stokes-Einstein relation in supercooled aqueous solutions of glycerol B Chen, EE Sigmund, WP Halperin
Physical review letters 96 (14), 145502, 2006
96 2006 Effect of Magnetic Scattering on the Superfluid State in Aerogel DT Sprague, TM Haard, JB Kycia, MR Rand, Y Lee, PJ Hamot, ...
Physical review letters 77 (22), 4568, 1996
93 1996 Microstructure determination of cement pastes by NMR and conventional techniques S Bhattacharja, M Moukwa, F D'orazio, JY Jehng, WP Halperin
Advanced Cement Based Materials 1 (2), 67-76, 1993
93 1993 Transition of local moments coupled to itinerant electrons in the quasi one-dimensional conductor copper phthalocyanine iodide MY Ogawa, BM Hoffman, S Lee, M Yudkowsky, WP Halperin
Physical review letters 57 (9), 1177, 1986
90 1986