Igor Zaliznyak
Igor Zaliznyak
Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The experimental observation of quantum Hall effect of l=3 chiral quasiparticles in trilayer graphene
L Zhang, Y Zhang, J Camacho, M Khodas, I Zaliznyak
Nature Physics 7 (12), 953-957, 2011
Inelastic-neutron-scattering study of the spin dynamics in the Haldane-gap system Ni(
C Regnault, L. P. and Zaliznyak, I., Renard, J. P., Vettier
Physical Review B 50 (13), 9174, 1994
Effect of covalent bonding on magnetism and the missing neutron intensity in copper oxide compounds
AC Walters, TG Perring, JS Caux, AT Savici, GD Gu, CC Lee, W Ku, ...
Nature Physics 5 (12), 867-872, 2009
Spinons in the Strongly Correlated Copper Oxide Chains in
IA Zaliznyak, H Woo, TG Perring, CL Broholm, CD Frost, H Takagi
Physical review letters 93 (8), 087202, 2004
Quasiparticle breakdown in a quantum spin liquid
MB Stone, IA Zaliznyak, T Hong, CL Broholm, DH Reich
Nature 440 (7081), 187-190, 2006
Unconventional temperature enhanced magnetism in Fe 1.1 Te
IA Zaliznyak, Z Xu, JM Tranquada, G Gu, AM Tsvelik, MB Stone
Physical review letters 107 (21), 216403, 2011
Independent Freezing of Charge and Spin Dynamics in
IA Zaliznyak, JP Hill, JM Tranquada, R Erwin, Y Moritomo
Physical Review Letters 85 (20), 4353, 2000
Frustration-induced two-dimensional quantum disordered phase in piperazinium hexachlorodicuprate
MB Stone, I Zaliznyak, DH Reich, C Broholm
Physical Review B 64 (14), 144405, 2001
Magnetotransport study of Dirac fermions in antiferromagnet
A Wang, I Zaliznyak, W Ren, L Wu, D Graf, VO Garlea, JB Warren, E Bozin, ...
Physical Review B 94 (16), 165161, 2016
Continuum in the Spin-Excitation Spectrum of a Haldane Chain Observed by Neutron Scattering in
IA Zaliznyak, SH Lee, SV Petrov
Physical review letters 87 (1), 017202, 2001
Orbital-exchange and fractional quantum number excitations in an f-electron metal, Yb2Pt2Pb
LS Wu, WJ Gannon, IA Zaliznyak, AM Tsvelik, M Brockmann, JS Caux, ...
Science 352 (6290), 1206-1210, 2016
Superconductivity, antiferromagnetism, and neutron scattering
JM Tranquada, G Xu, IA Zaliznyak
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 350, 148-160, 2014
Magnetic anisotropy and low-energy spin waves in the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya spiral magnet
A Zheludev, S Maslov, G Shirane, I Tsukada, T Masuda, K Uchinokura, ...
Physical Review B 59 (17), 11432, 1999
Anisotropic Spin Freezing in the Zigzag Chain Compound
IA Zaliznyak, C Broholm, M Kibune, M Nohara, H Takagi
Physical Review Letters 83 (25), 5370, 1999
Experimental Evidence for Kaplan–Shekhtman–Entin-Wohlman–Aharony Interactions in
A Zheludev, S Maslov, I Tsukada, I Zaliznyak, LP Regnault, T Masuda, ...
Physical review letters 81 (24), 5410, 1998
Recent progress on HYSPEC, and its polarization analysis capabilities
B Winn, U Filges, VO Garlea, M Graves-Brook, M Hagen, C Jiang, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 83, 03017, 2015
Metal to Insulator Transition on the Landau Level in Graphene
L Zhang, Y Zhang, M Khodas, T Valla, IA Zaliznyak
Physical review letters 105 (4), 046804, 2010
Continuous magnetic and structural phase transitions in FeTe
IA Zaliznyak, ZJ Xu, JS Wen, JM Tranquada, GD Gu, V Solovyov, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (8), 085105, 2012
Magnon spin resonance in the Haldane spin chains of Ni (C 2 H 8 N 2) NO 2 ClO 4
LC Brunel, T Brill, I Zaliznyak, JP Boucher, JP Renard
Physical review letters 69 (11), 1699, 1992
Structure of end states for a Haldane spin chain
M Kenzelmann, G Xu, IA Zaliznyak, C Broholm, JF DiTusa, G Aeppli, T Ito, ...
Physical review letters 90 (8), 087202, 2003
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مقالات 1–20