Lingqiao Qin
Lingqiao Qin
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A hybrid deep learning based traffic flow prediction method and its understanding
Y Wu, H Tan, L Qin, B Ran, Z Jiang
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 90, 166-180, 2018
Vehicle trajectory prediction using LSTMs with spatial–temporal attention mechanisms
L Lin, W Li, H Bi, L Qin
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 14 (2), 197-208, 2021
Day-ahead traffic flow forecasting based on a deep belief network optimized by the multi-objective particle swarm algorithm
L Li, L Qin, X Qu, J Zhang, Y Wang, B Ran
Knowledge-Based Systems 172, 1-14, 2019
Short-term prediction of lane-level traffic speeds: A fusion deep learning model
Y Gu, W Lu, L Qin, M Li, Z Shao
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 106, 1-16, 2019
Weather and road geometry impact on longitudinal driving behavior: Exploratory analysis using an empirically supported acceleration modeling framework
SH Hamdar, L Qin, A Talebpour
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 67, 193-213, 2016
An improved Bayesian combination model for short-term traffic prediction with deep learning
Y Gu, W Lu, X Xu, L Qin, Z Shao, H Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (3), 1332-1342, 2019
Short-term passenger flow prediction under passenger flow control using a dynamic radial basis function network
H Li, Y Wang, X Xu, L Qin, H Zhang
Applied Soft Computing 83, 105620, 2019
Differential variable speed limits control for freeway recurrent bottlenecks via deep actor-critic algorithm
Y Wu, H Tan, L Qin, B Ran
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 117, 102649, 2020
Estimation of missing values in heterogeneous traffic data: Application of multimodal deep learning model
L Li, B Du, Y Wang, L Qin, H Tan
Knowledge-Based Systems 194, 105592, 2020
Understanding driver distractions in fatal crashes: An exploratory empirical analysis
L Qin, ZR Li, Z Chen, MSA Bill, DA Noyce
Journal of Safety Research 69, 23-31, 2019
Passenger flow control with multi-station coordination in subway networks: algorithm development and real-world case study
X Xu, H Li, J Liu, B Ran, L Qin
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 7 (1), 446-472, 2019
Evaluation of cooperative systems on driver behavior in heavy fog condition based on a driving simulator
X Chang, H Li, L Qin, J Rong, Y Lu, X Chen
Accident Analysis & Prevention 128, 197-205, 2019
Learning the route choice behavior of subway passengers from AFC data
X Xu, L Xie, H Li, L Qin
Expert systems with applications 95, 324-332, 2018
Classification of vessel motion pattern in inland waterways based on Automatic Identification System
Z Chen, J Xue, C Wu, LQ Qin, L Liu, X Cheng
Ocean Engineering 161, 69-76, 2018
Genetic Algorithm‐Based particle swarm optimization approach to reschedule High‐Speed railway timetables: a case study in China
M Wang, L Wang, X Xu, Y Qin, L Qin
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2019 (1), 6090742, 2019
Improving transfer feasibility for older travelers inside high-speed train station
W Zhao, L Xu, ZS Dong, B Qi, L Qin
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 113, 302-317, 2018
The induction and detection method of angry driving: Evidences from EEG and physiological signals
L Yan, P Wan, L Qin, D Zhu
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2018 (1), 3702795, 2018
Queue length estimation at signalized intersections based on magnetic sensors by different layout strategies
H Li, N Chen, L Qin, L Jia, J Rong
Transportation research procedia 25, 1626-1644, 2017
A survey of safety warnings under connected vehicle environments
H Li, G Zhao, L Qin, H Aizeke, X Zhao, Y Yang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (5), 2572-2588, 2020
Determining appropriate lane-changing spacing for off-ramp areas of urban expressways
Z Huang, Z Zhang, H Li, L Qin, J Rong
Sustainability 11 (7), 2087, 2019
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مقالات 1–20