Cyclical consumption patterns and rational addiction EJ Dockner, G Feichtinger The American Economic Review, 256-263, 1993 | 205 | 1993 |
The economics of conservation programs F Wirl Springer Science & Business Media, 1997 | 170 | 1997 |
Pigouvian taxation of energy for flow and stock externalities and strategic, noncompetitive energy pricing F Wirl Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 26 (1), 1-18, 1994 | 127 | 1994 |
Irreversible price-induced efficiency improvements: theory and empirical application to road transportation IO Walker, F Wirl The Energy Journal 14 (4), 183-205, 1993 | 120 | 1993 |
Limit cycles in intertemporal adjustment models: theory and applications G Feichtinger, A Novak, F Wirl Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 18 (2), 353-380, 1994 | 104 | 1994 |
The impact of OPEC Conference outcomes on world oil prices 1984-2001 F Wirl, A Kujundzic The Energy Journal 25 (1), 45-62, 2004 | 100 | 2004 |
Dynamic voluntary provision of public goods: Extension to nonlinear strategies F Wirl European Journal of Political Economy 12 (3), 555-560, 1996 | 94 | 1996 |
Sustainable growth, renewable resources and pollution: thresholds and cycles F Wirl Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28 (6), 1149-1157, 2004 | 89 | 2004 |
Why do oil prices jump (or fall)? F Wirl Energy Policy 36 (3), 1029-1043, 2008 | 82 | 2008 |
Lessons from utility conservation programs F Wirl Energy Journal 21 (1), 87-108, 2000 | 77 | 2000 |
The exploitation of fossil fuels under the threat of global warming and carbon taxes: A dynamic game approach F Wirl Environmental and Resource Economics 5 (4), 333-352, 1995 | 74 | 1995 |
Leviathan governments and carbon taxes: Costs and potential benefits F Wirl, E Dockner European Economic Review 39 (6), 1215-1236, 1995 | 72 | 1995 |
The dynamics of lobbying—A differential game F Wirl Public choice 80 (3), 307-323, 1994 | 71 | 1994 |
Joint implementation: strategic reactions and possible remedies F Wirl, C Huber, IO Walker Environmental and Resource Economics 12 (2), 203-224, 1998 | 68 | 1998 |
On the stability and potential cyclicity of corruption in governments subject to popularity constraints G Feichtinger, F Wirl Mathematical Social Sciences 28 (2), 113-131, 1994 | 65 | 1994 |
The cyclical exploitation of renewable resource stocks may be optimal F Wirl Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 29 (2), 252-261, 1995 | 64 | 1995 |
Investment under uncertainty: calculating the value function when the Bellman equation cannot be solved analytically T Dangl, F Wirl Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28 (7), 1437-1460, 2004 | 62 | 2004 |
Corrigendum to" Consequences of irreversibilities on optimal intertemporal CO2 emission policies under uncertainty"[Resour. Energy Econ. 28 (2006) 105-123] F Wirl Resource and Energy Economics 29 (4), 325-326, 2007 | 55* | 2007 |
Consequences of irreversibilities on optimal intertemporal CO< sub> 2</sub> emission policies under uncertainty F Wirl Resource and Energy Economics 28 (2), 105-123, 2006 | 55 | 2006 |
Oligopoly meets oligopsony: The case of permits F Wirl Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 58 (3), 329-337, 2009 | 53 | 2009 |