Christian Pauly
Christian Pauly
II. Institute of Physics B, RWTH Aachen University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Giant Rashba-type spin splitting in ferroelectric GeTe (111)
M Liebmann, C Rinaldi, D Di Sante, J Kellner, C Pauly, RN Wang, ...
Advanced Materials 28 (3), 560-565, 2016
Wave-function mapping of graphene quantum dots with soft confinement
D Subramaniam, F Libisch, Y Li, C Pauly, V Geringer, R Reiter, T Mashoff, ...
Physical review letters 108 (4), 046801, 2012
Subnanometre-wide electron channels protected by topology
C Pauly, B Rasche, K Koepernik, M Liebmann, M Pratzer, M Richter, ...
Nature Physics 11 (4), 338-343, 2015
Probing two topological surface bands of SbTe by spin-polarized photoemission spectroscopy
C Pauly, G Bihlmayer, M Liebmann, M Grob, A Georgi, D Subramaniam, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (23), 235106, 2012
Absence of edge states in covalently bonded zigzag edges of graphene on Ir (111)
Y Li, D Subramaniam, N Atodiresei, P Lazić, V Caciuc, C Pauly, A Georgi, ...
Advanced materials 25 (14), 1967-1972, 2013
Evidence for topological band inversion of the phase change material Ge2Sb2Te5
C Pauly, M Liebmann, A Giussani, J Kellner, S Just, J Sánchez-Barriga, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (24), 2013
Mapping the band structure of GeSbTe phase change alloys around the Fermi level
J Kellner, G Bihlmayer, M Liebmann, S Otto, C Pauly, JE Boschker, ...
Communications Physics 1 (1), 5, 2018
Electronic Structure of the Dark Surface of the Weak Topological Insulator Bi14Rh3I9
C Pauly, B Rasche, K Koepernik, M Richter, S Borisenko, M Liebmann, ...
ACS nano 10 (4), 3995-4003, 2016
Gundlach oscillations and Coulomb blockade of Co nanoislands on MgO/Mo (100) investigated by scanning tunneling spectroscopy at 300 K
C Pauly, M Grob, M Pezzotta, M Pratzer, M Morgenstern
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (12), 125446, 2010
Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of the phase change alloy Ge1Sb2Te4
D Subramaniam, C Pauly, M Liebmann, M Woda, P Rausch, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (10), 2009
Spatially resolved Landau level spectroscopy of the topological Dirac cone of bulk-type : Potential fluctuations and quasiparticle lifetime
C Pauly, C Saunus, M Liebmann, M Morgenstern
Physical Review B 92 (8), 085140, 2015
Highly efficient near-infrared detector based on optically resonant dielectric nanodisks
R Masoudian Saadabad, C Pauly, N Herschbach, DN Neshev, HT Hattori, ...
Nanomaterials 11 (2), 428, 2021
Exploring the subsurface atomic structure of the epitaxially grown phase-change material
J Kellner, G Bihlmayer, VL Deringer, M Liebmann, C Pauly, A Giussani, ...
Physical Review B 96 (24), 245408, 2017
Thin-film Semiconducting Layers with Tunable Band Gaps Below 1 eV for Photovoltaic Applications
TP Weiss, P Arnou, M Melchiorre, M Guennou, D Siopa, C Pauly, ...
Physical Review Applied 14 (2), 024014, 2020
Strong and Weak 3D Topological Insulators Probed by Surface Science Methods
M Morgenstern, C Pauly, J Kellner, M Liebmann, M Pratzer, G Bihlmayer, ...
physica status solidi (b) 258 (1), 2000060, 2021
Strong and weak topology probed by surface science: topological insulator properties of phase change alloys and heavy metal graphene
C Pauly
Springer, 2016
Weak Topological Insulator
C Pauly
Strong and Weak Topology Probed by Surface Science: Topological Insulator …, 2016
Experimental Methods
A Kaur
Fluorescent Tools for Imaging Oxidative Stress in Biology, 189-223, 2018
Identification of Tellurium based Phase-Change Materials as Strong Topological Insulators
C Pauly, C Pauly
Strong and Weak Topology Probed by Surface Science: Topological Insulator …, 2015
Fundamentals of Topological Insulators
C Pauly, C Pauly
Strong and Weak Topology Probed by Surface Science: Topological Insulator …, 2015
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20