Jeroen Dewinter
Jeroen Dewinter
clinical psychologist, PhD @GGzE @Tilburg University, TSB, Tranzo
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Sexual orientation, gender identity, and romantic relationships in adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder
J Dewinter, H De Graaf, S Begeer
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 47 (9), 2927-2934, 2017
Sexuality in adolescent boys with autism spectrum disorder: Self-reported behaviours and attitudes
J Dewinter, R Vermeiren, I Vanwesenbeeck, J Lobbestael, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 45, 731-741, 2015
Brief Report: Gender Identity Differences in Autistic Adults: Associations with Perceptual and Socio-cognitive Profile
RJ Walsh, L Krabbendam, J Dewinter, S Begeer
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-9, 2018
Autism and normative sexual development: A narrative review
J Dewinter, R Vermeiren, I Vanwesenbeeck, C Van Nieuwenhuizen
Journal of Clinical Nursing 22 (23-24), 3467-3483, 2013
Adolescent boys with an autism spectrum disorder and their experience of sexuality: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
J Dewinter, H Van Parys, R Vermeiren, C Van Nieuwenhuizen
Autism 21 (1), 75-82, 2017
Parental awareness of sexual experience in adolescent boys with autism spectrum disorder
J Dewinter, R Vermeiren, I Vanwesenbeeck, C Van Nieuwenhuizen
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 46, 713-719, 2016
Adolescent boys with autism spectrum disorder growing up: follow-up of self-reported sexual experience
J Dewinter, R Vermeiren, I Vanwesenbeeck, C Van Nieuwenhuizen
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 25 (9), 969-978, 2016
Qualitative research in the journal of autism and developmental disorders
GI van Schalkwyk, J Dewinter
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50, 2280-2282, 2020
INSAR special interest group report: Stakeholder perspectives on priorities for future research on autism, sexuality, and intimate relationships
J Dewinter, AIR van der Miesen, LG Holmes
Autism Research 13 (8), 1248-1257, 2020
Recommendations for education, clinical practice, research, and policy on promoting well-being in autistic youth and adults through a positive focus on sexuality and gender …
J Dewinter, MG Onaiwu, ML Massolo, R Caplan, E Van Beneden, ...
Autism 28 (3), 770-779, 2024
What is the meaning of paid employment for well-being? A focus group study on differences and similarities between autistic adults with and without employment
EPM Brouwers, M Bergijk, J van Weeghel, S Detaille, J Dewinter
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 34 (2), 415-424, 2024
Van Nieuwenhuizen Ch. Adolescent boys with autism spectrum disorder growing up: follow-up of self-reported sexual experience
J Dewinter, R Vermeiren, I Vanwesenbeeck
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 25 (9), 969-978, 2016
Autisme, genderdiversiteit en genderdysforie
J Dewinter, S Klomp, AIR van der Miesen
Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek 61 (5), 44-51, 2022
Sexuality in adolescent boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder
J Dewinter
Tilburg University, 2016
Seksuele identiteit en genderidentiteit: Een introductie
D Raaijmakers, A van der Miesen, J Dewinter, A Ruigrok
De Psycholoog 54 (5), 10-21, 2019
Autism and gender and sexuality diversity
J Dewinter, Z Zaks, N Brörmann, I Henczyk, EK Graham, JF Strang
Autism spectrum disorder: Understanding the female phenotype, 171-185, 2024
Barriers to and Facilitators for Finding and Keeping Competitive Employment: A Focus Group Study on Autistic Adults With and Without Paid Employment
EPM Brouwers, M Bergijk, J van Weeghel, S Detaille, H Kerkhof, ...
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 1-12, 2024
Gay, lesbian, and gender nonconforming individuals with autism
MA Stokes, L Pecora, J Dewinter, K Greaves-Lord, AIR Van Der Miesen, ...
Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorder: Assessment …, 2022
Op het snijvlak van autisme, genderdiversiteit en seksualiteit: Een pleidooi voor netwerkzorg en leren uit ervaring. Tijdschrift Voor Seksuologie, 45(4), 167–17
J Dewinter, AIR Van Der Miesen, SE Klomp, M Maassen, W Mathurin
Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie 45 (4), 167-173, 2021
Doe je wat je zou willen doen en ben je wie je wilt zijn?
J Meerman, J Dewinter, J van der Klink, G Glas
Themanummer De positieve kanten van autisme 52 (1), 35, 2025
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مقالات 1–20