مقالات بحثية تمّ التفويض بإتاحتها للجميع - Frederik-Jan van Schootenمزيد من المعلومات
الإجماليKWFCancer Research UKNIHEuropean CommissionNWOGovernment of SpainMRCFWODFGZonMwFRQSFormasWorld Cancer Researh Fund, UKCCSCIHRDSTBBSRCESRCNERCNIHRWellcomeFondazione CariploRCNBMBFGovernment of ItalyVAHHMIFWFNSERCFraunhofer-GesellschaftINSERMFCTSwedish Research CouncilEPSRCKNAWV Foundation, USA
عدد المقالات البحثية غير المتاحة للجميع في أي موقع: 8
DNA-repair measurements by use of the modified comet assay: an inter-laboratory comparison within the European Comet Assay Validation Group (ECVAG)
RWL Godschalk, C Ersson, P Riso, M Porrini, SAS Langie, ...
Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 757 (1 …, 2013
التفويضات: Cancer Research UK
In utero exposure to compounds with dioxin-like activity and birth outcomes
M Vafeiadi, S Agramunt, M Pedersen, H Besselink, L Chatzi, E Fthenou, ...
Epidemiology 25 (2), 215-224, 2014
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health, European Commission, Government of Spain
Implementation of quality controls is essential to prevent batch effects in breathomics data and allow for cross-study comparisons
G Stavropoulos, DMAE Jonkers, Z Mujagic, GH Koek, AAM Masclee, ...
Journal of Breath Research 14 (2), 026012, 2020
التفويضات: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Exposure to meat-derived carcinogens and bulky DNA adduct levels in normal-appearing colon mucosa
V Ho, V Brunetti, S Peacock, TE Massey, RWL Godschalk, ...
Mutation research/genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis 821, 5-12, 2017
التفويضات: Canadian Cancer Society, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé
Gene‐diet interactions in exposure to heterocyclic aromatic amines and bulky DNA adduct levels in blood leukocytes
V Ho, S Peacock, TE Massey, RWL Godschalk, FJ van Schooten, J Chen, ...
Environmental and molecular mutagenesis 56 (7), 609-620, 2015
التفويضات: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Pharmacogenetics of smoking: how far to the clinic?
M Quaak, FJ van Schooten, CP van Schayck
Pharmacogenomics 15 (6), 723-726, 2014
التفويضات: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Bulky DNA adduct levels in normal-appearing colon mucosa, and the prevalence of colorectal adenomas
V Ho, S Peacock, TE Massey, RW Godschalk, FJ van Schooten, ...
Biomarkers 23 (8), 735-741, 2018
التفويضات: Canadian Cancer Society, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé
Children's Health. Environmental, Dietary, Maternal, and Fetal Predictors of Bulky DNA Adducts in Cord Blood: A European Mother-Child Study (NewGeneris)
M Pedersen, MA Mendez, B Schoket, RW Godschalk, A Espinosa, ...
Environmental Health Perspectives 123 (4), 2015
التفويضات: Government of Spain
عدد المقالات البحثية المتاحة للجميع في موقع ما: 67
Assessing the carcinogenic potential of low-dose exposures to chemical mixtures in the environment: the challenge ahead
WH Goodson III, L Lowe, DO Carpenter, M Gilbertson, A Manaf Ali, ...
Carcinogenesis 36 (Suppl_1), S254-S296, 2015
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health, US Department of Veterans Affairs, Howard …
Causes of genome instability: the effect of low dose chemical exposures in modern society
SAS Langie, G Koppen, D Desaulniers, F Al-Mulla, R Al-Temaimi, ...
Carcinogenesis 36 (Suppl_1), S61-S88, 2015
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health, Department of Science & Technology, India …
Measuring DNA modifications with the comet assay: a compendium of protocols
A Collins, P Møller, G Gajski, S Vodenková, A Abdulwahed, D Anderson, ...
Nature protocols 18 (3), 929-989, 2023
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia …
Contrasting macrophage activation by fine and ultrafine titanium dioxide particles is associated with different uptake mechanisms
AM Scherbart, J Langer, A Bushmelev, D van Berlo, P Haberzettl, ...
Particle and fibre toxicology 8, 1-19, 2011
التفويضات: German Research Foundation
Birth weight, head circumference, and prenatal exposure to acrylamide from maternal diet: the European prospective mother–child study (NewGeneris)
M Pedersen, H von Stedingk, M Botsivali, S Agramunt, J Alexander, ...
Environmental health perspectives 120 (12), 1739-1745, 2012
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health, Swedish Research Council for Environment …
Dietary flavonoid intake, black tea consumption, and risk of overall and advanced stage prostate cancer
MS Geybels, BAJ Verhage, ICW Arts, FJ Van Schooten, RA Goldbohm, ...
American journal of epidemiology 177 (12), 1388-1398, 2013
التفويضات: Dutch Cancer Society
An ECVAG inter-laboratory validation study of the comet assay: inter-laboratory and intra-laboratory variations of DNA strand breaks and FPG-sensitive sites in human …
C Ersson, P Møller, L Forchhammer, S Loft, A Azqueta, RWL Godschalk, ...
Mutagenesis 28 (3), 279-286, 2013
التفويضات: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Inter-laboratory variation in DNA damage using a standard comet assay protocol
L Forchhammer, C Ersson, S Loft, L Möller, RWL Godschalk, ...
Mutagenesis 27 (6), 665-672, 2012
التفويضات: Cancer Research UK
Pulmonary Inflammation Impacts on CYP1A1-Mediated Respiratory Tract DNA Damage Induced by the Carcinogenic Air Pollutant Benzo[a]pyrene
VM Arlt, AM Krais, RW Godschalk, Y Riffo-Vasquez, I Mrizova, ...
Toxicological Sciences 146 (2), 213-225, 2015
التفويضات: German Research Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Wellcome Trust
Maternal folate depletion and high‐fat feeding from weaning affects DNA methylation and DNA repair in brain of adult offspring
SAS Langie, S Achterfeldt, JP Gorniak, KJA Halley‐Hogg, D Oxley, ...
The FASEB Journal 27 (8), 3323-3334, 2013
التفويضات: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Engineering …
Redox imbalance in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a role for oxidant cross-talk between NADPH oxidase enzymes and mitochondria
C Veith, AW Boots, M Idris, FJ van Schooten, A van der Vliet
Antioxidants & redox signaling 31 (14), 1092-1115, 2019
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Paternal lifestyle as a potential source of germline mutations transmitted to offspring
JO Linschooten, N Verhofstad, K Gutzkow, AK Olsen, C Yauk, ...
The FASEB Journal 27 (7), 2873, 2013
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
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