Jaime Calle Sánchez
Jaime Calle Sánchez
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Spin-to-charge conversion using Rashba coupling at the interface between non-magnetic materials
JCR Sánchez, L Vila, G Desfonds, S Gambarelli, JP Attané, JM De Teresa, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2944, 2013
El entorno familiar y el rendimiento escolar
A Morales, P Arcos, E Ariza, M Cabello, M López, J Pacheco, A Palomino, ...
Andalucía: Consejería de educación y ciencia, 1999
Fisheries and oceanography off Galicia, NW Spain: mesoscale spatial and temporal changes in physical processes and resultant patterns of biological productivity
KR Tenore, M Alonso‐Noval, M Alvarez‐Ossorio, LP Atkinson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 100 (C6), 10943-10966, 1995
Probiotic compared with standard milk for high-caries children: a cluster randomized trial
G Rodríguez, B Ruiz, S Faleiros, A Vistoso, ML Marró, J Sánchez, I Urzúa, ...
Journal of Dental Research 95 (4), 402-407, 2016
Long term evolution in high speed railway environments: Feasibility and challenges
J Calle-Sánchez, M Molina-García, JI Alonso, A Fernández-Durán
Bell Labs Technical Journal 18 (2), 237-253, 2013
Influence of developmental adaptation on aerobic capacity at high altitude.
AR Frisancho, C Martinez, T Velasquez, J Sanchez, H Montoye
Journal of Applied Physiology 34 (2), 176-180, 1973
OWLS: A ten-year history in optical wireless links for intra-satellite communications
I Arruego, MT Guerrero, S Rodríguez, J Martinez-Oter, JJ Jiménez, ...
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 27 (9), 1599-1611, 2009
Fundamentos de trabajo en equipo para equipos de trabajo
J Sánchez Pérez, J Otálora San Agustín, HN Fainstein, J Sánchez, F Gil, ...
McGraw-Hill, 2006
Exchange-bias effect at LaSrMnO/LaNiO interfaces
JC Rojas Sánchez, B Nelson-Cheeseman, M Granada, E Arenholz, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (9), 094427, 2012
Metal pollution by old lead-zinc mines in Urumea River valley (Basque Country, Spain). Soil, biota and sediment
J Sanchez, N Marino, MC Vaquero, J Ansorena, I Legorburu
Water, air, and soil pollution 107, 303-319, 1998
Coral diversity and disease in Mexico
JR Ward, KL Rypien, JF Bruno, CD Harvell, E Jordan-Dahlgren, ...
Diseases of aquatic organisms 69 (1), 23-31, 2006
The accuracy of grid digital elevation models linearly constructed from scattered sample data
FJ Aguilar, MA Aguilar, F Agüera, J Sánchez
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 20 (2), 169-192, 2006
Effect of grain size and pressure on twinning and microbanding in oblique shock loading of copper rods
JC Sanchez, LE Murr, KP Staudhammer
Acta materialia 45 (8), 3223-3235, 1997
Comparison of jetting-related microstructures associated with hypervelocity impact crater formation in copper targets and copper shaped charges
LE Murr, CS Niou, EP Garcia, E Ferreyra, TJM Rivas, JC Sanchez
Materials Science and Engineering: A 222 (2), 118-132, 1997
Serum “B” esterases as a nondestructive biomarker for monitoring the exposure of reptiles to organophosphorus insecticides
JC Sanchez, MC Fossi, S Focardi
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 38 (1), 45-52, 1997
Measuring the competitiveness level in furniture SMEs of Spain
G Maldonado, J Sánchez, J Gaytán, R García
International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences 1 (11), 09-19, 2012
Diseño de un plan de marketing relacional, para la fidelización de clientes en la empresa de ferro aleaciones y plásticos, de la ciudad de Guayaquil
J Sánchez
Investigación de Pre-Grado. Universidad de Guayaquil. Guayaquil-Ecuador …, 2015
Novel deformation processes and microstructures involving ballistic penetrator formation and hypervelocity impact and penetration phenomena
LE Murr, E Ferreyra, TS Pappu, EP Garcia, JC Sanchez, W Huang, ...
Materials characterization 37 (5), 245-276, 1996
La evasión tributaria originada en el uso de comprobantes de venta/Evaluation of micro and small enterprises of the popular and solidarity economy prior to participating in a …
J Sánchez, F Esparza, I Gaibor, M Barba
KnE Engineering, 149–163-149–163, 2020
Manual de aguas y aguadas para el ganado
GA Bavera, HA Beguet, OA Bocco, JC Sánchez, EE Rodríguez, ...
Río Cuarto: Gráfica del Sur,, 2001
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20