مقالات بحثية تمّ التفويض بإتاحتها للجميع - Jeremy Meredithمزيد من المعلومات
عدد المقالات البحثية غير المتاحة للجميع في أي موقع: 1
A study of power-performance modeling using a domain-specific language
M Umar, JS Meredith, JS Vetter, KW Cameron
2016 28th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High …, 2016
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation
عدد المقالات البحثية المتاحة للجميع في موقع ما: 18
Vtk-m: Accelerating the visualization toolkit for massively threaded architectures
K Moreland, C Sewell, W Usher, L Lo, J Meredith, D Pugmire, J Kress, ...
IEEE computer graphics and applications 36 (3), 48-58, 2016
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Compass: A framework for automated performance modeling and prediction
S Lee, JS Meredith, JS Vetter
Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing …, 2015
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
A terminology for in situ visualization and analysis systems
H Childs, SD Ahern, J Ahrens, AC Bauer, J Bennett, EW Bethel, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 34 (6 …, 2020
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Ray tracing within a data parallel framework
M Larsen, JS Meredith, PA Navrátil, H Childs
2015 ieee pacific visualization symposium (pacificvis), 279-286, 2015
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
PANORAMA: An approach to performance modeling and diagnosis of extreme-scale workflows
E Deelman, C Carothers, A Mandal, B Tierney, JS Vetter, I Baldin, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 31 (1 …, 2017
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Performance modeling of in situ rendering
M Larsen, C Harrison, J Kress, D Pugmire, JS Meredith, H Childs
SC'16: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance …, 2016
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Volume Rendering Via Data-Parallel Primitives.
M Larsen, S Labasan, PA Navrátil, JS Meredith, H Childs
EGPGV@ EuroVis, 53-62, 2015
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Automated characterization of parallel application communication patterns
PC Roth, JS Meredith, JS Vetter
Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel …, 2015
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Durango: Scalable synthetic workload generation for extreme-scale application performance modeling and simulation
CD Carothers, JS Meredith, MP Blanco, JS Vetter, M Mubarak, J LaPre, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced …, 2017
التفويضات: US Department of Energy, US Department of Defense
Application characterization using Oxbow toolkit and PADS infrastructure
S Sreepathi, ML Grodowitz, R Lim, P Taffet, PC Roth, J Meredith, S Lee, ...
2014 Hardware-Software Co-Design for High Performance Computing, 55-63, 2014
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Toward an end-to-end framework for modeling, monitoring and anomaly detection for scientific workflows
A Mandal, P Ruth, I Baldin, D Krol, G Juve, R Mayani, RF Da Silva, ...
2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2016
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Coupling visualization and data analysis for knowledge discovery from multi-dimensional scientific data
O Rübel, S Ahern, EW Bethel, MD Biggin, H Childs, E Cormier-Michel, ...
Procedia computer science 1 (1), 1757-1764, 2010
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health, German Research Foundation
Examining recent many-core architectures and programming models using SHOC
MG Lopez, J Young, JS Meredith, PC Roth, M Horton, JS Vetter
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Performance Modeling …, 2015
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Towards scalable visualization plugins for data staging workflows
D Pugmire, J Kress, J Meredith, N Podhorszki, J Choi, S Klasky
Big Data Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities (BDAC-14) Workshop at …, 2014
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Aspen-based performance and energy modeling frameworks
M Umar, SV Moore, JS Meredith, JS Vetter, KW Cameron
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 120, 222-236, 2018
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Recent advances in visit: Amr streamlines and query-driven visualization
G Weber
التفويضات: German Research Foundation
XVis: Visualization for the Extreme-Scale Scientific-Computation Ecosystem: Year-end report FY17.
KD Moreland, D Pugmire, D Rogers, H Childs, KL Ma, B Geveci
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2017
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Quantitatively Modeling Application Resilience with the Data Vulnerability Factor
JS Vetter, L Yu, S Mittal, D Li, J Meredith
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
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