Susanne Bechstedt
Susanne Bechstedt
McGill University - Centre de recherche en biologie structurale
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Microtubule-associated proteins control the kinetics of microtubule nucleation
M Wieczorek, S Bechstedt, S Chaaban, GJ Brouhard
Nature cell biology 17 (7), 907-916, 2015
Hypothesis: a helix of ankyrin repeats of the NOMPC-TRP ion channel is the gating spring of mechanoreceptors
J Howard, S Bechstedt
Current Biology 14 (6), R224-R226, 2004
Drosophila auditory organ genes and genetic hearing defects
PR Senthilan, D Piepenbrock, G Ovezmyradov, B Nadrowski, S Bechstedt, ...
Cell 150 (5), 1042-1054, 2012
Molecular profiling reveals synaptic release machinery in Merkel cells
H Haeberle, M Fujiwara, J Chuang, MM Medina, MV Panditrao, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (40), 14503-14508, 2004
Doublecortin recognizes the 13-protofilament microtubule cooperatively and tracks microtubule ends
S Bechstedt, GJ Brouhard
Developmental cell 23 (1), 181-192, 2012
Doublecortin recognizes the longitudinal curvature of the microtubule end and lattice
S Bechstedt, K Lu, GJ Brouhard
Current Biology 24 (20), 2366-2375, 2014
The Golgi Outpost Protein TPPP Nucleates Microtubules and Is Critical for Myelination
M Fu, TS McAlear, H Nguyen, JA Oses-Prieto, A Valenzuela, RD Shi, ...
Cell 179 (1), 132-146. e14, 2019
Collapsin Response Mediator Protein 4 regulates growth cone dynamics through the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton
MR Khazaei, MP Girouard, R Alchini, SO Tone, T Shimada, S Bechstedt, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (43), 30133-30143, 2014
The inner junction complex of the cilia is an interaction hub that involves tubulin post-translational modifications
AAZ Khalifa, M Ichikawa, D Dai, S Kubo, CS Black, K Peri, TS McAlear, ...
Elife 9, e52760, 2020
A doublecortin containing microtubule-associated protein is implicated in mechanotransduction in Drosophila sensory cilia
S Bechstedt, JT Albert, DP Kreil, T Müller-Reichert, MC Göpfert, J Howard
Nature communications 1 (1), 11, 2010
Molecular determinants for high-affinity block of human EAG potassium channels by antiarrhythmic agents
G Gessner, M Zacharias, S Bechstedt, R Schönherr, SH Heinemann
Molecular pharmacology 65 (5), 1120-1129, 2004
Microtubules Accelerate the Kinase Activity of Aurora-B by a Reduction in Dimensionality
M Noujaim, S Bechstedt, M Wieczorek, GJ Brouhard
PloS one 9 (2), e86786, 2014
Mechanosensitive Ion Channels, Part B
OP Hamill, AS French, PH Torkkeli, B Rydqvist, D Bazopoulou, ...
Current topics in membranes. San Diego: Academic Press. 2007b 59, 2011
Measuring ligand–receptor binding kinetics and dynamics using k-space image correlation spectroscopy
HB Brandão, H Sangji, E Pandžić, S Bechstedt, GJ Brouhard, ...
Methods 66 (2), 273-282, 2014
Crystal structure of human PACRG in complex with MEIG1 reveals roles in axoneme formation and tubulin binding
N Khan, D Pelletier, TS McAlear, N Croteau, S Veyron, AN Bayne, C Black, ...
Structure 29 (6), 572-586. e6, 2021
Hearing mechanics: a fly in your ear
S Bechstedt, J Howard
Current Biology 18 (18), R869-R870, 2008
EML2-S constitutes a new class of proteins that recognizes and regulates the dynamics of tyrosinated microtubules
T Hotta, TS McAlear, Y Yue, T Higaki, SE Haynes, AI Nesvizhskii, D Sept, ...
Current Biology 32 (18), 3898-3910. e14, 2022
The mitotic spindle protein CKAP2 potently increases formation and stability of microtubules
TS McAlear, S Bechstedt
eLife 11, e72202, 2022
Motors and MAPs Collaborate to Size Up Microtubules
S Bechstedt, GJ Brouhard
Developmental cell 26 (2), 118-120, 2013
Models of hair cell mechanotransduction
S Bechstedt, J Howard
Mechanosensitive Ion Channels, 399-424, 2007
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مقالات 1–20