Lucia Moura
Lucia Moura
Professor of Computer Science, University of Ottawa
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Locating errors using ELAs, covering arrays, and adaptive testing algorithms
C Martínez, L Moura, D Panario, B Stevens
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 23 (4), 1776-1799, 2010
Covering arrays with mixed alphabet sizes
L Moura, J Stardom, B Stevens, A Williams
Journal of Combinatorial Designs 11 (6), 413-432, 2003
Lower bounds for transversal covers
B Stevens, L Moura, E Mendelsohn
Designs, codes and cryptography 15, 279-299, 1998
Erdős-Ko-Rado theorems for uniform set-partition systems
K Meagher, L Moura
the electronic journal of combinatorics, R40-R40, 2005
Covering arrays avoiding forbidden edges
P Danziger, E Mendelsohn, L Moura, B Stevens
Theoretical Computer Science 410 (52), 5403-5414, 2009
A construction for strength-3 covering arrays from linear feedback shift register sequences
S Raaphorst, L Moura, B Stevens
Designs, codes and cryptography 73, 949-968, 2014
Variable strength covering arrays
S Raaphorst, L Moura, B Stevens
Journal of Combinatorial Designs 26 (9), 417-438, 2018
Mixed covering arrays on graphs
K Meagher, L Moura, L Zekaoui
Journal of Combinatorial Designs 15 (5), 393-404, 2007
Constructing new covering arrays from LFSR sequences over finite fields
G Tzanakis, L Moura, D Panario, B Stevens
Discrete Mathematics 339 (3), 1158-1171, 2016
Algorithms to locate errors using covering arrays
C Martínez, L Moura, D Panario, B Stevens
LATIN 2008: Theoretical Informatics: 8th Latin American Symposium, Búzios …, 2008
Locating modifications in signed data for partial data integrity
TB Idalino, L Moura, RF Custódio, D Panario
Information Processing Letters 115 (10), 731-737, 2015
Integrating flexible tree searches to orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm
GZ Karabulut, L Moura, D Panario, A Yongacoglu
IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing 153 (5), 538-548, 2006
A Sperner-type theorem for set-partition systems
K Meagher, L Moura, B Stevens
the electronic journal of combinatorics 12 (1), N20, 2005
Finite field constructions of combinatorial arrays
L Moura, GL Mullen, D Panario
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 78, 197-219, 2016
Polyhedral methods in design theory
L Moura
Computational and constructive design theory, 227-254, 1996
Hardness results for covering arrays avoiding forbidden edges and error-locating arrays
E Maltais, L Moura
Theoretical computer science 412 (46), 6517-6530, 2011
Low complexity normal elements over finite fields of characteristic two
AM Masuda, L Moura, D Panario, D Thomson
IEEE Transactions on Computers 57 (7), 990-1001, 2008
Division of trinomials by pentanomials and orthogonal arrays
M Dewar, L Moura, D Panario, B Stevens, Q Wang
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 45 (1), 1-17, 2007
Flexible tree-search based orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm
GZ Karabulut, L Moura, D Panario, A Yongaçoglu
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
Polyhedral aspects of combinatorial designs
L Moura
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مقالات 1–20