Sooksan Panichpapiboon
Sooksan Panichpapiboon
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A Review of Information Dissemination Protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
S Panichpapiboon, W Pattara-atikom
Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE 14 (3), 784 - 798, 2012
Optimal transmit power in wireless sensor networks
S Panichpapiboon, G Ferrari, OK Tonguz
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 5 (10), 1432-1447, 2006
Real-time secondary markets for spectrum
JM Peha, S Panichpapiboon
Telecommunications Policy 28 (7-8), 603-618, 2004
Connectivity requirements for self-organizing traffic information systems
S Panichpapiboon, W Pattara-Atikom
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 57 (6), 3333-3340, 2008
Irresponsible forwarding
S Panichpapiboon, G Ferrari
2008 8th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, 311-316, 2008
Effects of intervehicle spacing distributions on connectivity of VANET: a case study from measured highway traffic
L Cheng, S Panichpapiboon
IEEE Communications Magazine 50 (10), 90-97, 2012
Travel-time prediction with deep learning
C Siripanpornchana, S Panichpapiboon, P Chaovalit
2016 ieee region 10 conference (tencon), 1859-1862, 2016
Evaluation of a neighbor-based vehicle density estimation scheme
S Panichpapiboon, W Pattara-atikom
2008 8th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, 294-298, 2008
Irresponsible forwarding under real intervehicle spacing distributions
S Panichpapiboon, L Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 62 (5), 2264-2272, 2013
QoS provisioning using BER-based routing in ad hoc wireless networks
N Wisitpongphan, G Ferrari, S Panichpapiboon, JS Parikh, OK Tonguz
2005 IEEE 61st vehicular technology conference 4, 2483-2487, 2005
Impact of mobility on the performance of ad hoc wireless networks
M Bhatt, R Chokshi, S Desai, S Panichpapiboon, N Wisitpongphan, ...
2003 IEEE 58th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC 2003-Fall (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Efficient broadcasting in IEEE 802.11 networks through irresponsible forwarding
S Busanelli, G Ferrari, S Panichpapiboon
GLOBECOM 2009-2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 1-6, 2009
Sensor networks with random versus uniform topology: MAC and interference considerations
S Panichpapiboon, G Ferrari, OK Tonguz
2004 IEEE 59th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC 2004-Spring (IEEE Cat …, 2004
Traffic density estimation: A mobile sensing approach
S Panichpapiboon, P Leakkaw
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (12), 126-131, 2017
Exploiting wireless communication in vehicle density estimation
S Panichpapiboon, W Pattara-Atikom
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 60 (6), 2742-2751, 2011
Time-headway distributions on an expressway: case of Bangkok
S Panichpapiboon
Journal of Transportation Engineering 141 (1), 05014007, 2015
Connectivity of ad hoc wireless networks: an alternative to graph-theoretic approaches
S Panichpapiboon, G Ferrari, OK Tonguz
Wireless Networks 16, 793-811, 2010
Networked intelligent collaborative environment (NetICE)
WH Leung, K Goudeaux, S Panichpapiboon, SB Wang, T Chen
2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME2000 …, 2000
Traffic Sensing Through Accelerometers
S Panichpapiboon, P Leakkaw
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (5), 3559 - 3567, 2016
Providing secondary access to licensed spectrum through coordination
S Panichpapiboon, JM Peha
Wireless Networks 14, 295-307, 2008
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مقالات 1–20