P. Jamil Madati
P. Jamil Madati
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine, George Washington School of Medicine
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Screening for adolescent anxiety disorders in a pediatric emergency department
HJ Ramsawh, DA Chavira, JT Kanegaye, S Ancoli-Israel, PJ Madati, ...
Pediatric emergency care 28 (10), 1041-1047, 2012
Clinical practice guideline for the treatment of pediatric acute gastroenteritis in the outpatient setting
RA Carson, SS Mudd, PJ Madati
Journal of Pediatric Health Care 30 (6), 610-616, 2016
Development of an emergency department triage tool to predict acidosis among children with gastroenteritis
PJ Madati, R Bachur
Pediatric emergency care 24 (12), 822-830, 2008
Effect of cognitive and physical rest on persistent postconcussive symptoms following a pediatric head injury
JM Root, MD Sady, J Gai, CG Vaughan, PJ Madati
The Journal of Pediatrics 227, 184-190. e4, 2020
Pediatric patient compliance with recommendations for acute concussion management
JM Root, B McNamara, M Ledda, PJ Madati
Clinical pediatrics 58 (7), 731-737, 2019
Identifying risks for persistent postconcussive symptoms in a pediatric emergency department: an examination of a clinical risk score
JM Root, J Gai, MD Sady, CG Vaughan, PJ Madati
Archives of clinical neuropsychology 37 (1), 30-39, 2022
Evaluation of a nurse-initiated acute gastroenteritis pathway in the pediatric emergency department
RA Carson, SS Mudd, PJ Madati
Journal of Emergency Nursing 43 (5), 406-412, 2017
Rest-Based Concussion Management of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Providers
JM Root, J Fong, G Badolato, PJ Madati
Pediatric Emergency Care 37 (10), e631-e635, 2021
Application of frequent, spaced multiple‐choice questions as an educational tool in the pediatric emergency department
MJ Rustici, VJ Wang, KE Dorney, J Nagler, P Jamil Madati, P Ziegler, ...
AEM Education and Training 4 (2), 85-93, 2020
Is cognitive rest following a head injury associated with prolonged concussion symptoms?
JM Root, K Yensen, SM Atabaki, K Breslin, N Herrera, J Madati
Is Cognitive Rest Following a Head Injury Associated with Prolonged Concussion Symptoms?
JM Root, J Madati, N Herrera
Pediatrics 144 (2_MeetingAbstract), 430-430, 2019
221 Do Practitioners Still Recommend Rest for Acute Concussion Management?
J Fong, P Madati, J Root
Annals of Emergency Medicine 70 (4), S88-S89, 2017
Eye pain and double vision
MI Neuman, J Nagler, PJ Madati
Annals of emergency medicine 52 (4), 481, 2008
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مقالات 1–13