Bunmei Taguchi
Bunmei Taguchi
Faculty of Sustainable Design, University of Toyama
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على sus.u-toyama.ac.jp
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Decadal variability of the Kuroshio Extension: Observations and an eddy-resolving model hindcast
B Taguchi, SP Xie, N Schneider, M Nonaka, H Sasaki, Y Sasai
Journal of Climate 20 (11), 2357-2377, 2007
A coupled decadal prediction of the dynamic state of the Kuroshio Extension system
B Qiu, S Chen, N Schneider, B Taguchi
Journal of Climate 27 (4), 1751-1764, 2014
North Pacific Gyre Oscillation synchronizes climate fluctuations in the eastern and western boundary systems
LI Ceballos, E Di Lorenzo, CD Hoyos, N Schneider, B Taguchi
Journal of Climate 22 (19), 5163-5174, 2009
Influences of the Kuroshio/Oyashio Extensions on air–sea heat exchanges and storm-track activity as revealed in regional atmospheric model simulations for the 2003/04 cold season
B Taguchi, H Nakamura, M Nonaka, SP Xie
Journal of Climate 22 (24), 6536-6560, 2009
Synthesis of Pacific Ocean climate and ecosystem dynamics
E Di Lorenzo, V Combes, JE Keister, PT Strub, AC Thomas, PJS Franks, ...
Oceanography 26 (4), 68-81, 2013
Seasonal evolutions of atmospheric response to decadal SST anomalies in the North Pacific subarctic frontal zone: Observations and a coupled model simulation
B Taguchi, H Nakamura, M Nonaka, N Komori, A Kuwano-Yoshida, ...
Journal of Climate 25 (1), 111-139, 2012
Intraseasonal variability in sea surface height over the South China Sea
W Zhuang, SP Xie, D Wang, B Taguchi, H Aiki, H Sasaki
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (C4), 2010
On the triggering of Benguela Niños: Remote equatorial versus local influences
I Richter, SK Behera, Y Masumoto, B Taguchi, N Komori, T Yamagata
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (20), 2010
Oceanic fronts and jets around Japan: a review
S Kida, H Mitsudera, S Aoki, X Guo, S Ito, F Kobashi, N Komori, ...
“Hot Spots” in the Climate System: New Developments in the Extratropical …, 2016
Multiple causes of interannual sea surface temperature variability in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean
I Richter, SK Behera, Y Masumoto, B Taguchi, H Sasaki, T Yamagata
Nature Geoscience 6 (1), 43-47, 2013
Atmospheric sounding over the winter Kuroshio Extension: Effect of surface stability on atmospheric boundary layer structure
H Tokinaga, Y Tanimoto, M Nonaka, B Taguchi, T Fukamachi, SP Xie, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (4), 2006
Air–sea heat exchanges characteristic of a prominent midlatitude oceanic front in the South Indian Ocean as simulated in a high-resolution coupled GCM
M Nonaka, H Nakamura, B Taguchi, N Komori, A Kuwano-Yoshida, ...
Journal of climate 22 (24), 6515-6535, 2009
Decadal variability of the Kuroshio Extension: Mesoscale eddies and recirculations
B Taguchi, B Qiu, M Nonaka, H Sasaki, SP Xie, N Schneider
Ocean Dynamics 60, 673-691, 2010
Response of the Kuroshio Extension to Rossby waves associated with the 1970s climate regime shift in a high-resolution ocean model
B Taguchi, SP Xie, H Mitsudera, A Kubokawa
Journal of Climate 18 (15), 2979-2995, 2005
Anticyclonic eddies and Kuroshio meander formation
H Mitsudera, T Waseda, Y Yoshikawa, B Taguchi
Geophysical Research Letters 28 (10), 2025-2028, 2001
On the eddy‐Kuroshio interaction: Meander formation process
T Waseda, H Mitsudera, B Taguchi, Y Yoshikawa
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C7), 2003
What controls equatorial Atlantic winds in boreal spring?
I Richter, SK Behera, T Doi, B Taguchi, Y Masumoto, SP Xie
Climate dynamics 43, 3091-3104, 2014
Systematic errors in South Asian monsoon simulation: Importance of equatorial Indian Ocean processes
H Annamalai, B Taguchi, JP McCreary, M Nagura, T Miyama
Journal of Climate 30 (20), 8159-8178, 2017
How potentially predictable are midlatitude ocean currents?
M Nonaka, Y Sasai, H Sasaki, B Taguchi, H Nakamura
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 20153, 2016
Deep ocean inertia‐gravity waves simulated in a high‐resolution global coupled atmosphere–ocean GCM
N Komori, W Ohfuchi, B Taguchi, H Sasaki, P Klein
Geophysical research letters 35 (4), 2008
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مقالات 1–20