Andrew D. Young
Andrew D. Young
Assistant professor, University of Guelph
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Phylogenomics—principles, opportunities and pitfalls of big‐data phylogenetics
AD Young, JP Gillung
Systematic entomology 45 (2), 225-247, 2020
Anchored enrichment dataset for true flies (order Diptera) reveals insights into the phylogeny of flower flies (family Syrphidae)
AD Young, AR Lemmon, JH Skevington, X Mengual, G Ståhls, M Reemer, ...
BMC evolutionary biology 16, 1-13, 2016
Key to the genera of Nearctic Syrphidae
GFG Miranda, AD Young, MM Locke, SA Marshall, JH Skevington, ...
Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification 23 (1), 351, 2013
Field guide to the flower flies of northeastern North America
JH Skevington, MM Locke, AD Young, K Moran, WJ Crins, SA Marshall
Princeton University Press, 2019
Expedited assessment of terrestrial arthropod diversity by coupling Malaise traps with DNA barcoding
JR deWaard, V Levesque-Beaudin, SL deWaard, NV Ivanova, ...
Genome 62 (3), 85-95, 2019
The effects of diet, feeding regime and catch-up growth on flesh quality attributes of large (1+ sea winter) Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar
A Young, PC Morris, FA Huntingford, R Sinnott
Aquaculture 248 (1-4), 59-73, 2005
Replacing fish oil with pre-extruded carbohydrate in diets for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, during their entire marine grow-out phase: Effects on growth, composition and colour
A Young, PC Morris, FA Huntingford, R Sinnott
Aquaculture 253 (1-4), 531-546, 2006
If you plant it, they will come: quantifying attractiveness of exotic plants for winter-active flower visitors in community gardens
P Tasker, C Reid, AD Young, CG Threlfall, T Latty
Urban Ecosystems 23 (2), 345-354, 2020
A multigene phylogeny of the eristaline flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae), with emphasis on the subtribe Criorhinina
KM Moran, JH Skevington, S Kelso, X Mengual, K Jordaens, AD Young, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 194 (1), 120-135, 2022
Revision of Platycheirus Lepeletier and Serville (Diptera: Syrphidae) in the Nearctic north of Mexico.
AD Young, SA Marshall, JH Skevington
Zootaxa 4082 (1), 1-317, 2016
Early spring orchard pollinators spill over from resource‐rich adjacent forest patches
KR Urban‐Mead, M Van Dyke, P Muñiz, AD Young, BN Danforth, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 60 (3), 553-564, 2023
The phylogeny and evolutionary ecology of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) inferred from mitochondrial genomes
D Wong, H Norman, TJ Creedy, K Jordaens, KM Moran, A Young, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 184, 107759, 2023
Intraspecific variation in the use of nutrient reserves by breeding female Mallards
AD Young
The Condor 95 (1), 45-56, 1993
Systematics and evolution of predatory flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) based on exon‐capture sequencing
X Mengual, C Mayer, TO Burt, KM Moran, L Dietz, G Nottebrock, T Pauli, ...
Systematic Entomology 48 (2), 250-277, 2023
Species diversity in bee flies and hover flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae and Syrphidae) in the horticultural environments of the Blue Mountains, Australia
AR Robertson, JTD Finch, AD Young, RN Spooner‐Hart, SKM Outim, ...
Austral Entomology 59 (3), 561-571, 2020
First mitochondrial genomes of five hoverfly species of the genus Eristalinus (Diptera: Syrphidae)
G Sonet, Y De Smet, M Tang, M Virgilio, AD Young, JH Skevington, ...
Genome 62 (10), 677-687, 2019
Flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Philippines, Solomon Islands, Wallacea and New Guinea
JHS F.C. Thompson, X. Mengual, A.D. Young
Biodiversity, Biogeography and Nature Conservation in Wallacea and New …, 2017
Towards a virtual anonymisation grid for unified access to remote clinical data
R Sinnott, O Ajayi, A Stell, A Young
Global Healthgrid: e-Science Meets Biomedical Informatics, 90-101, 2008
A Portable Candler for Birds' Eggs (Alumbrador Portátil para Huevos de Aves)
AD Young
Journal of Field Ornithology, 266-268, 1988
Revision of the Psilota Meigen, 1822 flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Australia.
AD Young, W Van Steenis, JH Skevington
Zootaxa 4737 (1), zootaxa. 4737.1. 1-zootaxa. 4737.1. 1, 2020
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مقالات 1–20