Mohammad Veysi
Mohammad Veysi
Assistant Professor of Electrical Power Systems Engineering
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على sutech.ac.ir
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A novel self-adaptive modified bat fuzzy sliding mode control of robot manipulator in presence of uncertainties in task space
M Veysi, MR Soltanpour, MH Khooban
Robotica 33 (10), 2045-2064, 2015
Robust, accurate, and fast decentralized power sharing mechanism for isolated DC microgrid using droop-based sliding-mode control
M Veysi, J Aghaei, MR Soltanpour, M Shasadeghi, B Bahrani, DJ Ryan
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13 (6), 4160-4173, 2022
Energy-efficient speed control of electric vehicles: Linear matrix inequality approach
M Veysi, J Aghaei, M Shasadeghi, R Razzaghi, B Bahrani, DJ Ryan
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (10), 10469-10483, 2020
Voltage-base control of robot manipulator using adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control
M Veysi, MR Soltanpour
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 19 (5), 1430-1443, 2017
Robustness improvement of computationally efficient cooperative fuzzy model predictive-integral sliding mode control of nonlinear systems
M Farbood, M Veysi, M Shasadeghi, A Izadian, T Niknam, J Aghaei
IEEE Access 9, 147874-147887, 2021
Eliminating chattering phenomenon in sliding mode control of robot manipulators in the joint space using fuzzy logic
ویسی, سلطانپور
مکانیک سازه ها و شاره ها 2 (3), 45-54, 2013
Voltage-Base Control of Camera Stabilizer Using Optimal Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control
M Veysi, MR Soltanpour
Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 14 (4 …, 2018
A New Robust Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of Robot manipulator in the Task-space in Presence of Uncertainties
M Veysi
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 6, 372-381, 2015
Task-space feedback control of robot manipulator with uncertain Jacobian matrix, via robust adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control
M Veysi, MR Soltanpour
The Modares Journal of Electrical Engineering 15 (2), 36-49, 2015
A new fuzzy decoupled sliding mode control of flexible joint robotic manipulators based on the finite‐time observer in the presence of chaos with experimental validation
AH Nezhad, AR Noiey, MR Soltanpour, M Veysi
IET Control Theory & Applications 18 (4), 422-441, 2024
Comprehensive Optimal Management System of Distributed Resources Using Dynamic Neural Network in Modeling of Electricity Consumption Uncertainty for Grid-Connected Microgrids
M Veysi, MR Soltanpour, J Khalilpour, H Niaei
Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 19 (1), 1-13, 2021
Design and simulation of fuzzy sliding mode control of roll angular position of warship, in presence of structured uncertainties and external disturbances caused by sea waves
M Veysi, MR Soltanpour
Iranian Journal of Marine Science and Technology 24 (93), 1-9, 2020
Guidance and distributed control of the networked UAVs
J Khalil Pour, M Veysi, F Rahimi
Electronic and Cyber Defense 7 (4), 117-129, 2020
Disturbance Rejection Stable Fuzzy Controller Design for a Class of Nonlinear Electromechanical systems, in presence of Parametric Uncertainties
M Veysi, J Aghaei, MR Soltanpour
Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 16 (3 …, 2019
Robust Optimal Stable Fuzzy Controller Design for Stabilization of Electric Vehicle Speed, in Presence of Parametric Uncertainties and External Disturbances
M Veysi, M Shasadeghi, MR Soltanpour
Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 17 (2), 81-96, 2019
Stabilization of the F-8 Fighter Aircraft Using Model-Based Predictive Control
M Veysi, M Soltanpour, J Khalilpour
Journal of Aeronautical Engineering 20 (2), 1-15, 2018
Fuzzy sliding mode control of robot manipulator,based on voltage control
M Veysi
International Conference in New Research of Electrical Engineering and …, 2015
Crossing the singular points of task space in variable structure control of robot manipulatorsused in the marine industries, in presence of uncertainties
M Veysi, M Soltanpour, R Rastegari
Iranian Journal of Marine Science and Technology 18 (70), 1-1, 2014
A New Decoupled Sliding Mode Control for Flexible Joint Robotic Manipulators Trajectory Tracking in the Presence of Chaos with Practical Implementation
A Hasan Nezhad, A Ranjbar Noiey, MR Soltanpour, M Veysi
Journal of Control, 0-0, 0
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–19