Building memories: Remembering and forgetting of verbal experiences as predicted by brain activity AD Wagner, DL Schacter, M Rotte, W Koutstaal, A Maril, AM Dale, ... Science 281 (5380), 1188-1191, 1998 | 2192 | 1998 |
The cognitive neuroscience of constructive memory DL Schacter, KA Norman, W Koutstaal False-memory creation in children and adults: Theory, research, and …, 2000 | 1236 | 2000 |
Functional-anatomic correlates of object priming in humans revealed by rapid presentation event-related fMRI RL Buckner, J Goodman, M Burock, M Rotte, W Koutstaal, D Schacter, ... Neuron 20 (2), 285-296, 1998 | 717 | 1998 |
Gist-based false recognition of pictures in older and younger adults W Koutstaal, DL Schacter Journal of memory and language 37 (4), 555-583, 1997 | 666 | 1997 |
Late onset of anterior prefrontal activity during true and false recognition: An event-related fMRI study DL Schacter, RL Buckner, W Koutstaal, AM Dale, BR Rosen Neuroimage 6 (4), 259-269, 1997 | 505 | 1997 |
Functional neuroimaging studies of encoding, priming, and explicit memory retrieval RL Buckner, W Koutstaal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (3), 891-898, 1998 | 490 | 1998 |
Functional–anatomic study of episodic retrieval using fMRI: I. Retrieval effort versus retrieval success RL Buckner, W Koutstaal, DL Schacter, AD Wagner, BR Rosen NeuroImage 7 (3), 151-162, 1998 | 451 | 1998 |
Perceptual specificity in visual object priming: functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence for a laterality difference in fusiform cortex W Koutstaal, AD Wagner, M Rotte, A Maril, RL Buckner, DL Schacter Neuropsychologia 39 (2), 184-199, 2001 | 422 | 2001 |
Functional MRI evidence for a role of frontal and inferior temporal cortex in amodal components of priming RL Buckner, W Koutstaal, DL Schacter, BR Rosen Brain 123 (3), 620-640, 2000 | 392 | 2000 |
When encoding yields remembering: Insights from event-related neuroimaging AD Wagner, W Koutstaal, DL Schacter Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 1999 | 342 | 1999 |
Functional–anatomic study of episodic retrieval: II. Selective averaging of event-related fMRI trials to test the retrieval success hypothesis RL Buckner, W Koutstaal, DL Schacter, AM Dale, M Rotte, BR Rosen NeuroImage 7 (3), 163-175, 1998 | 342 | 1998 |
Task-specific repetition priming in left inferior prefrontal cortex AD Wagner, W Koutstaal, A Maril, DL Schacter, RL Buckner Cerebral Cortex 10 (12), 1176-1184, 2000 | 327 | 2000 |
False memories and aging DL Schacter, W Koutstaal, KA Norman Trends in Cognitive Sciences 1 (6), 229-236, 1997 | 292 | 1997 |
Neural mechanisms of visual object priming: Evidence for perceptual and semantic distinctions in fusiform cortex JS Simons, W Koutstaal, S Prince, AD Wagner, DL Schacter Neuroimage 19 (3), 613-626, 2003 | 274 | 2003 |
False recollection induced by photographs: A comparison of older and younger adults. DL Schacter, W Koutstaal, MK Johnson, MS Gross, KE Angell Psychology and Aging 12, 203-215, 1997 | 265 | 1997 |
Reducing gist-based false recognition in older adults: Encoding and retrieval manipulations W Koutstaal, DL Schacter, L Galluccio, KA Stofer Psychology and Aging 14 (2), 220-237, 1999 | 213 | 1999 |
Facilitation and impairment of event memory produced by photograph review W Koutstaal, DL Schacter, MK Johnson, L Galluccio Memory & Cognition 27, 478-493, 1999 | 192 | 1999 |
Age and flexible thinking: An experimental demonstration of the beneficial effects of increased cognitively stimulating activity on fluid intelligence in healthy older adults LJ Tranter, W Koutstaal Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 15 (2), 184-207, 2008 | 189 | 2008 |
Older adults encode—but do not always use—perceptual details: Intentional versus unintentional effects of detail on memory judgments W Koutstaal Psychological Science 14 (2), 189-193, 2003 | 186 | 2003 |
False recognition of abstract versus common objects in older and younger adults: Testing the semantic categorization account. W Koutstaal, C Reddy, EM Jackson, S Prince, DL Cendan, DL Schacter Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 29 (4 …, 2003 | 175 | 2003 |