International regimes, transactions, and change: embedded liberalism in the postwar economic order JG Ruggie International organization 36 (2), 379-415, 1982 | 7368 | 1982 |
Territoriality and beyond: problematizing modernity in international relations JG Ruggie International organization 47 (1), 139-174, 1993 | 3913 | 1993 |
Constructing the world polity: Essays on international institutionalisation JG Ruggie Routledge, 2002 | 3145 | 2002 |
What makes the world hang together? Neo-utilitarianism and the social constructivist challenge JG Ruggie International organization 52 (4), 855-885, 1998 | 2743 | 1998 |
Multilateralism: the anatomy of an institution JG Ruggie International organization 46 (3), 561-598, 1992 | 2728 | 1992 |
International Organization: A State of the Art on an Art of the State F Kratochwil, JG Ruggie International organization 40 (4), 753-775, 1986 | 2245 | 1986 |
Continuity and transformation in the world polity: Toward a neorealist synthesis JG Ruggie World politics 35 (2), 261-285, 1983 | 1628 | 1983 |
Multilateralism matters: The theory and praxis of an institutional form JG Ruggie Columbia University Press, 1993 | 1336 | 1993 |
Reconstituting the global public domain—issues, actors, and practices JG Ruggie International Environmental Governance, 543-575, 2017 | 1259 | 2017 |
International responses to technology: concepts and trends JG Ruggie International organization 29 (3), 557-583, 1975 | 1180 | 1975 |
Just business: Multinational corporations and human rights (Norton global ethics series) JG Ruggie WW Norton & Company, 2013 | 1089 | 2013 |
Business and human rights: the evolving international agenda JG Ruggie American Journal of International Law 101 (4), 819-840, 2007 | 839 | 2007 |
Protect, respect and remedy: A framework for business and human rights J Ruggie Innovations: Technology| Governance| Globalization 3 (2), 189, 2008 | 768* | 2008 |
Corporate social responsibility as risk management: A model for multinationals B Kytle, JG Ruggie Harvard University, 2005 | 578 | 2005 |
Taking embedded liberalism global: The corporate connection JG Ruggie Embedding Global Markets, 243-266, 2016 | 512 | 2016 |
Winning the peace: America and world order in the new era JG Ruggie Columbia University Press, 1996 | 466 | 1996 |
Report of the special representative of the secretary-general on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises: Guiding principles on … J Ruggie Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 29 (2), 224-253, 2011 | 455 | 2011 |
Global governance and" new governance theory": Lessons from business and human rights JG Ruggie Global governance 20, 5, 2014 | 449 | 2014 |
The theory and practice of learning networks: Corporate social responsibility and the global compact JG Ruggie Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 27-36, 2002 | 449 | 2002 |
Multinationals as global institution: Power, authority and relative autonomy JG Ruggie Regulation & Governance 12 (3), 317-333, 2018 | 325 | 2018 |