Russell H Fazio
Russell H Fazio
Harold E. Burtt Chair in Psychology, Ohio State University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Implicit measures in social cognition research: Their meaning and use
RH Fazio, MA Olson
Annual review of psychology 54 (1), 297-327, 2003
On the automatic activation of attitudes
RH Fazio, DM Sanbonmatsu, MC Powell, FR Kardes
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 50 (2), 229-238, 1986
Multiple processes by which attitudes guide behavior: The MODE model as an integrative framework
RH Fazio
Advances in experimental social psychology 23, 75-109, 1990
Variability in automatic activation as an unobtrusive measure of racial attitudes: A bona fide pipeline?
RH Fazio, JR Jackson, BC Dunton, CJ Williams
Journal of personality and social psychology 69 (6), 1013, 1995
How do attitudes guide behavior
RH Fazio
Handbook of motivation and cognition: Foundations of social behavior 1 (8 …, 1986
Direct experience and attitude-behavior consistency
RH Fazio, MP Zanna
Advances in experimental social psychology 14, 161-202, 1981
A new look at dissonance theory
J Cooper, RH Fazio
Advances in experimental social psychology 17, 229-266, 1984
Attitudes as object-evaluation associations: Determinants, consequences, and correlates of attitude accessibility
RH Fazio
Attitude strength, 247-282, 2014
Expectancy confirmation processes arising in the social interaction sequence.
JM Darley, RH Fazio
American psychologist 35 (10), 867, 1980
On the automatic activation of associated evaluations: An overview
RH Fazio
Cognition & Emotion 15 (2), 115-141, 2001
Attitude accessibility as a moderator of the attitude–perception and attitude–behavior relations: An investigation of the 1984 presidential election.
RH Fazio, CJ Williams
Journal of personality and social psychology 51 (3), 505, 1986
A practical guide to the use of response latency in social psychological research.
RH Fazio
Sage Publications, Inc, 1990
Attitudes as object–evaluation associations of varying strength
RH Fazio
Social cognition 25 (5), 603-637, 2007
An individual difference measure of motivation to control prejudiced reactions
BC Dunton, RH Fazio
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 23 (3), 316-326, 1997
The role of attitude accessibility in the attitude-to-behavior process
RH Fazio, MC Powell, CJ Williams
Journal of consumer research 16 (3), 280-288, 1989
Attitude accessibility, attitude-behavior consistency, and the strength of the object-evaluation association
RH Fazio, JM Chen, EC McDonel, SJ Sherman
Journal of experimental social psychology 18 (4), 339-357, 1982
On the power and functionality of attitudes: The role of attitude accessibility
RH Fazio
Attitude structure and function, 153-179, 2014
Attitudinal qualities relating to the strength of the attitude-behavior relationship
RH Fazio, MP Zanna
Journal of experimental social psychology 14 (4), 398-408, 1978
The MODE model of attitude-behavior processes.
RH Fazio, T Towles-Schwen
The Guilford Press, 1999
On the consequences of priming: Assimilation and contrast effects
PM Herr, SJ Sherman, RH Fazio
Journal of experimental social psychology 19 (4), 323-340, 1983
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مقالات 1–20