Paolo Samori'
Paolo Samori'
Distinguished Professor - ISIS, University of Strasbourg & CNRS
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Graphene via sonication assisted liquid-phase exfoliation
A Ciesielski, P Samorì
Chemical Society Reviews 43 (1), 381-398, 2014
Chemical sensing with 2D materials
C Anichini, W Czepa, D Pakulski, A Aliprandi, A Ciesielski, P Samorì
Chemical Society Reviews 47 (13), 4860-4908, 2018
Conductivity in organic semiconductors hybridized with the vacuum field
E Orgiu, J George, JA Hutchison, E Devaux, JF Dayen, B Doudin, ...
Nature materials 14 (11), 1123-1129, 2015
Charge transport and mobility engineering in two-dimensional transition metal chalcogenide semiconductors
SL Li, K Tsukagoshi, E Orgiu, P Samorì
Chemical Society Reviews 45 (1), 118-151, 2016
2D materials beyond graphene for high‐performance energy storage applications
X Zhang, L Hou, A Ciesielski, P Samorì
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (23), 1600671, 2016
Cyclodextrin-threaded conjugated polyrotaxanes as insulated molecular wires with reduced interstrand interactions
F Cacialli, JS Wilson, JJ Michels, C Daniel, C Silva, RH Friend, N Severin, ...
Nature Materials 1 (3), 160-164, 2002
Electronic characterization of organic thin films by Kelvin probe force microscopy
V Palermo, M Palma, P Samorì
Advanced materials 18 (2), 145-164, 2006
Production and processing of graphene and related materials
C Backes, AM Abdelkader, C Alonso, A Andrieux-Ledier, R Arenal, ...
2D Materials 7 (2), 022001, 2020
Adsorption of aromatic and anti-aromatic systems on graphene through π− π stacking
J Björk, F Hanke, CA Palma, P Samori, M Cecchini, M Persson
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1 (23), 3407-3412, 2010
Light-powered electrical switch based on cargo-lifting azobenzene monolayers
V Ferri, M Elbing, G Pace, MD Dickey, M Zharnikov, P Samorì, M Mayor, ...
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition In English- 47 (18), 3407, 2008
Flexible non-volatile optical memory thin-film transistor device with over 256 distinct levels based on an organic bicomponent blend
T Leydecker, M Herder, E Pavlica, G Bratina, S Hecht, E Orgiu, P Samorì
Nature nanotechnology 11 (9), 769-775, 2016
Organic radical-assisted electrochemical exfoliation for the scalable production of high-quality graphene
S Yang, S Brüller, ZS Wu, Z Liu, K Parvez, R Dong, F Richard, P Samorì, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (43), 13927-13932, 2015
25th anniversary article: organic electronics marries photochromism: generation of multifunctional interfaces, materials, and devices
E Orgiu, P Samorì
Advanced Materials 26 (12), 1827-1845, 2014
Cooperative light-induced molecular movements of highly ordered azobenzene self-assembled monolayers
G Pace, V Ferri, C Grave, M Elbing, C von Hänisch, M Zharnikov, M Mayor, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (24), 9937-9942, 2007
High-contrast visualization of graphene oxide on dye-sensitized glass, quartz, and silicon by fluorescence quenching
E Treossi, M Melucci, A Liscio, M Gazzano, P Samorì, V Palermo
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (43), 15576-15577, 2009
Coherent Coupling of WS2 Monolayers with Metallic Photonic Nanostructures at Room Temperature
S Wang, S Li, T Chervy, A Shalabney, S Azzini, E Orgiu, JA Hutchison, ...
Nano letters 16 (7), 4368-4374, 2016
Azobenzenes as light-controlled molecular electronic switches in nanoscale metal− molecule− metal junctions
JM Mativetsky, G Pace, M Elbing, MA Rampi, M Mayor, P Samori
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (29), 9192-9193, 2008
Towards Supramolecular Engineering of Functional Nanomaterials: Pre‐Programming Multi‐Component 2D Self‐Assembly at Solid‐Liquid Interfaces
A Ciesielski, CA Palma, M Bonini, P Samorì
Advanced Materials 22 (32), 3506-3520, 2010
Nonvolatile memories based on graphene and related 2D materials
S Bertolazzi, P Bondavalli, S Roche, T San, SY Choi, L Colombo, ...
Advanced materials 31 (10), 1806663, 2019
Degradation of methylammonium lead iodide perovskite structures through light and electron beam driven ion migration
H Yuan, E Debroye, K Janssen, H Naiki, C Steuwe, G Lu, M Moris, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (3), 561-566, 2016
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مقالات 1–20