Mitra Ghotbi
Mitra Ghotbi
Postdoc fellow
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Topographic attributes override impacts of agronomic practices on prokaryotic community structure
M Ghotbi, A Durrer, K Frindte, WR Horwath, JLM Rodrigues, I Danso, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 175, 104446, 2022
Mitigate Phelipanche aegyptiaca Pers. infestation considering natural environment conservation
M Ghotbi, M Dehaghi, M Ghotbi, M Khamseh, HR Rouhi
International Journal of AgriScience 2 (1): 62-77,), 2012
The patchiness of soil 13C versus the uniformity of 15N distribution with geomorphic position provides evidence of erosion and accelerated organic matter turnover
M Ghotbi, R Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, C Knief, M Ghotbi, AD Kent, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 356, 108616, 2023
Contribution of Vitaton (Β-Carotene) to the Rearing Factors Survival Rate and Visual Flesh Color of Rainbow Trout Fish in Comparison With Astaxanthin
M Ghotbi, M Ghotbi, GA Takami
International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 5 (11), 709-714, 2011
Environmental scanning electron microscope study of enamel surface after using three different bleaching agents
SA Abd El Halim, F Soleymani, AA Mahmoud, GS Riad, AFF Elawady, ...
J. Am. Sci 7 (11), 2011
Protective action of flavonoids extracted from different Jordanian plants against oxidative stress
M Wahsha, A Al-Omari, M Hassan, FA Abuadas, ET Ahmed, K Mostafavi, ...
Int J Biol Pharm Res 3 (3), 450-456, 2012
Management and rhizosphere microbial associations modulate genetic-driven nitrogen fate
M Ghotbi, M Ghotbi, Y Kuzyakov, WR Horwath
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 378, 109308, 2025
Effect of nutritional regime on expression of pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum against Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers.
M Ghotbi, MA Dehghan, M Ghotbi
International Journal of AgriScience 1 (4), 210-231, 2011
Host-Range and Factors Enhancing the Virulence and Desiccation Tolerance of Fusarium oxysporum as Promising Biocontrol Agent of Orobanche aegyptiaca
M Dehaghi, M Ghotbi, M Montazeri, M Ghotbi, J Cambozia
The 5th International Weed Science Congress, 2008
Absolute abundance unveils Basidiobolus as a cross-domain bridge indirectly bolstering gut microbiome homeostasis
M Ghotbi, JE Stajich, J Dallas, A Rurik, C Cummins, L Vargas-Gastelum, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.12. 27.630554, 2024
Greater host influence and promiscuity: How an invasive seaweed host has advantages over co-occurring natives
M Ghotbi, G Bonthond, M Ghotbi, S Künzel, DM Needham, F Weinberger
bioRxiv, 2024.12. 02.626238, 2024
Unraveling microbial dynamics during phytoplankton blooms: Integration of microscale simulation and high frequency timeseries observation in nature
M Ghotbi, M Ghotbi, E D'Agostino, Y Wang, DM Needham
Holobiont’s potential to manipulate its microbiome may contribute to its success and population expansion
M Ghotbi, M Wahl, DM Needham, M Ghotbi
Invasive seaweed shapes its microbiome
M Ghotbi, M Wahl, DM Needham, M Ghotbi, S Künzel, F Weinberger
Seaweeds microbiome and their contribution to seaweeds health
M Ghotbi, M Wahl, DM Needham, M Ghotbi, S Künzel, F Weinberger
Implications of topography and agronomic practices for soil biogeochemical and microbiological properties in Upper Eastern Ghana hilly farmland
M Ghotbi
Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2022
Fusarium Oxysporum Against Orobanche Aegyptiaca Pers
M Ghotbi, M Ghotbi, MA Dehaghi, HRR Ghorabaie, ARM Khamseh, ...
International Journal of AgriScience, 2013
Modellistic Approach for Land Suitability-An Application to Maize
M Ghotbi, M Dehaghi, M Wahsha, AM Al-Omari, K Mostafavi, B Raafat, ...
Journal of American Science, 2012
Alleviating Egyptian broomrape infestation through oganic methods.
M Ghotbi, M Ghotbi, M Wahsha, MR Davari
Initial Steps in Developing Promising Mycoherbicide from Fusarium Oxysporum Isolates to Decline Intimidation of Egyptian Broomrape.
M Ghotbi, M Ghotbi
2010 Annual Meeting (Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 2010), 2010
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20