Shaozhen Xiong (熊绍珍)
Shaozhen Xiong (熊绍珍)
Nankai University, Prof
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Performance of polymer solar cells fabricated by dip coating process
Z Hu, J Zhang, S Xiong, Y Zhao
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 99, 221-225, 2012
Synthesis of NaYF4: Yb, Er nanocrystals and its application in silicon thin film solar cells
XD Zhang, X Jin, DF Wang, SZ Xiong, XH Geng, Y Zhao
physica status solidi c 7 (3‐4), 1128-1131, 2010
Influence of front electrode and back reflector electrode on the performances of microcrystalline silicon solar cells
XD Zhang, Y Zhao, YT Gao, F Zhu, CC Wei, XL Chen, J Sun, GF Hou, ...
Journal of non-crystalline solids 352 (9-20), 1863-1867, 2006
Optical emission spectroscopy investigation on very high frequency plasma and its glow discharge mechanism during the microcrystalline silicon deposition
H Yang, C Wu, J Huang, R Ding, Y Zhao, X Geng, S Xiong
Thin Solid Films 472 (1-2), 125-129, 2005
Room‐temperature deposition of thin‐film indium tin oxide on micro‐fabricated color filters and its application to flat‐panel displays
Z Meng, H Peng, C Wu, C Qiu, KK Li, M Wong, HS Kwok
Journal of the Society for Information Display 12 (1), 113-118, 2004
纳米 Ag 材料表面等离子体激元引起的表面增强拉曼散射光谱研究
黄茜, 王京, 曹丽冉, 孙建, 张晓丹, 耿卫东, 熊绍珍, 赵颖
物理学报 58 (3), 1980-1986, 2009
VHF-PECVD 低温制备微晶硅薄膜的拉曼散射光谱和光发射谱研究
张晓丹, 赵颖, 朱锋, 魏长春, 吴春亚, 高艳涛, 侯国付, 孙建, 耿新华, ...
物理学报 54 (001), 445-449, 2005
Effects of oxygen incorporation in solar cells with a-SiOx: H absorber layer
S Wang, V Smirnov, T Chen, B Holländer, X Zhang, S Xiong, Y Zhao, ...
Japanese journal of applied physics 54 (1), 011401, 2014
VHF-PECVD 制备微晶硅材料及电池
张晓丹, 赵颖, 朱锋, 魏长春, 高艳涛, 孙健, 侯国付, 薛俊明, 耿新华, ...
半导体学报 26 (005), 952-957, 2005
Annealing-free, air-processed and high-efficiency polymer solar cells fabricated by a dip coating process
Z Hu, J Zhang, S Xiong, Y Zhao
Organic Electronics 13 (1), 142-146, 2012
Fabrication of high growth rate solar-cell-quality μc-Si: H thin films by VHF-PECVD
Z Xiao-Dan, Z Ying, Z Feng, S Jin, W Chang-Chun, H Guo-Fu, G Xin-Hua, ...
Chinese Physics 13 (8), 1370, 2004
用 FPGA 实现 OLED 灰度级显示
赵东, 耿卫东, 吴春亚, 陈有素, 熊绍珍, 张丽珠
光电子. 激光 13 (6), 554-558, 2002
Research of surface enhanced Raman scattering caused by surface plasmon of Ag nano-structures
Q Huang, J Wang, LR Cao, J Sun, XD Zhang, WD Geng, SZ Xiong, ...
杨恢东, 吴春亚, 朱锋, 麦耀华, 张晓丹, 赵颖, 耿新华, 熊绍珍
光电子· 激光 14 (4), 375-379, 2003
Design on a novel a‐Si PIN/OLED image sensor & display device
C Wu, Y Zhao, S Xiong, E Liu, W Xie, L Reng, H Cheng, G Yu
SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 30 (1), 528-531, 1999
Fabrication of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon thin films at low temperature by VHF-PECVD
Y Hui-dong, WU Chun-ya, MAI Yao-hua, LI Hong-bo, XUE Jun-ming, ...
Journal of Semiconductors 23 (9), 902-908, 2002
Influence of local environment on the intensity of the localized surface plasmon polariton of Ag nanoparticles
H Qian, Z Xiao-Dan, Z He, X Shao-Zhen, G Wei-Dong, G Xin-Hua, Z Ying
Chinese Physics B 19 (4), 047304, 2010
A study of optical properties of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon films prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition technique at different conditions of excited …
RI Badran, FS Al-Hazmi, S Al-Heniti, AA Al-Ghamdi, J Li, S Xiong
Vacuum 83 (7), 1023-1030, 2009
张晓丹, 赵颖, 高艳涛, 朱锋, 魏长春, 孙建, 王岩, 耿新华, 熊绍珍
物理学报 54 (004), 1899-1903, 2005
气压对 VHF-PECVD 制备的 μc-Si∶ H 薄膜特性影响的研究
张晓丹, 朱锋, 赵颖, 侯国付, 魏长春, 孙建, 张德坤, 任慧志, 薛俊明, ...
人工晶体学报 33 (3), 414-418, 2004
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20