Peter Pristas
Peter Pristas
Pavol Josef Safarik University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Biosorption and bioaccumulation abilities of actinomycetes/streptomycetes isolated from metal contaminated sites
I Timková, J Sedláková-Kaduková, P Pristaš
Separations 5 (4), 54, 2018
Assessment of ciliates in the sheep rumen by DGGE
M Regensbogenova, P Pristas, P Javorsky, SY Moon‐van der Staay, ...
Letters in applied microbiology 39 (2), 144-147, 2004
Bioaccumulation and biosorption of zinc by a novel Streptomyces K11 strain isolated from highly alkaline aluminium brown mud disposal site
J Sedlakova-Kadukova, A Kopcakova, L Gresakova, A Godany, P Pristas
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 167, 204-211, 2019
A re-appraisal of the diversity of the methanogens associated with the rumen ciliates
M Regensbogenova, NR McEwan, P Javorsky, S Kisidayova, ...
FEMS microbiology letters 238 (2), 307-313, 2004
Comparison of three different bioleaching systems for Li recovery from lepidolite
J Sedlakova-Kadukova, R Marcincakova, A Luptakova, M Vojtko, M Fujda, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 14594, 2020
Rapid identification of rumen protozoa by restriction analysis of amplified 18S rRNA gene
M Regensbogenova, S Kisidayova, T Michalowski, P Javorsky, ...
The symbiotic intestinal ciliates and the evolution of their hosts
SY Moon-van Der Staay, GWM Van Der Staay, T Michalowski, JP Jouany, ...
European Journal of Protistology 50 (2), 166-173, 2014
The [FeFe] hydrogenase of Nyctotherus ovalis has a chimeric origin
B Boxma, G Ricard, AHAM van Hoek, E Severing, SY Moon-van der Staay, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 7, 1-12, 2007
Need for database extension for reliable identification of bacteria from extreme environments using MALDI TOF mass spectrometry
A Kopcakova, Z Stramova, S Kvasnova, A Godany, Z Perhacova, P Pristas
Chemical Papers 68, 1435-1442, 2014
Effects of high‐and low‐fiber diets on fecal fermentation and fecal microbial populations of captive chimpanzees
S Kišidayová, Z Váradyová, P Pristaš, M Piknová, K Nigutová, ...
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2009
Production of enterolysin A by rumen Enterococcus faecalis strain and occurrence of enlA homologues among ruminal Gram‐positive cocci
K Nigutova, M Morovsky, P Pristas, RM Teather, H Holo, P Javorsky
Journal of applied microbiology 102 (2), 563-569, 2007
Medicinal Value and Taxonomy of the Tinder Polypore, Fomes fomentarius (Agaricomycetes): A Review
J Gáper, S Gáperová, P Pristas, K Naplavova
International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 18 (10), 2016
The occurrence and rapid discrimination of Fomes fomentarius genotypes by ITS-RFLP analysis
J Judova, K Dubikova, S Gaperova, J Gaper, P Pristas
Fungal Biology 116 (1), 155-160, 2012
Rumen fermentation pattern, lipid metabolism and the microbial community of sheep fed a high-concentrate diet supplemented with a mix of medicinal plants
M Wencelová, Z Váradyová, K Mihaliková, K Čobanová, I Plachá, ...
Small Ruminant Research 125, 64-72, 2015
A bacteriocin-mediated antagonism by Enterococcus faecium BC25 against ruminal Streptococcus bovis
M Morovský, P Pristaš, S Czikková, P Javorský
Microbiological Research 153 (3), 277-281, 1998
Heterologous expression of functionally active enterolysin A, class III bacteriocin from Enterococcus faecalis, in Escherichia coli
K Nigutová, L Serenčová, M Piknová, P Javorský, P Pristaš
Protein expression and purification 60 (1), 20-24, 2008
Staphylococcus nepalensis in the guano of bats (Mammalia)
A Vandžurová, P Bačkor, P Javorský, P Pristaš
Veterinary Microbiology 164 (1-2), 116-121, 2013
Treponema zioleckii sp. nov., a novel fructan-utilizing species of rumen treponemes
M Piknova, W Guczynska, R Miltko, P Javorsky, A Kasperowicz, ...
FEMS microbiology letters 289 (2), 166-172, 2008
Variability of Actinobacteria, a minor component of rumen microflora
M Šuľák, L Sikorová, J Jankuvová, P Javorský, P Pristaš
Folia microbiologica 57, 351-353, 2012
The effects of high dose of two manganese supplements (organic and inorganic) on the rumen microbial ecosystem
S Kišidayová, P Pristaš, M Zimovčáková, M Blanár Wencelová, ...
PLoS One 13 (1), e0191158, 2018
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مقالات 1–20