Deep learning for plant species classification using leaf vein morphometric J Wei Tan, SW Chang, S Abdul-Kareem, HJ Yap, KT Yong IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 17 (1), 82-90, 2018 | 226 | 2018 |
Multi-objective AGV scheduling in an FMS using a hybrid of genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization M Mousavi, HJ Yap, SN Musa, F Tahriri, SZ Md Dawal PloS one 12 (3), e0169817, 2017 | 147 | 2017 |
On equivalence of FIS and ELM for interpretable rule-based knowledge representation SY Wong, KS Yap, HJ Yap, SC Tan, SW Chang IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 26 (7), 1417-1430, 2014 | 105 | 2014 |
Augmented reality–based programming, planning and simulation of a robotic work cell YS Pai, HJ Yap, R Singh Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2015 | 101 | 2015 |
Technical data-driven tool condition monitoring challenges for CNC milling: a review SY Wong, JH Chuah, HJ Yap The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 107, 4837-4857, 2020 | 95 | 2020 |
Current development on using Rotary Inverted Pendulum as a benchmark for testing linear and nonlinear control algorithms MF Hamza, HJ Yap, IA Choudhury, AI Isa, AY Zimit, T Kumbasar Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 116, 347-369, 2019 | 94 | 2019 |
Design and control of a wearable lower-body exoskeleton for squatting and walking assistance in manual handling works F Sado, HJ Yap, RAR Ghazilla, N Ahmad Mechatronics 63, 102272, 2019 | 67 | 2019 |
Advances of metaheuristic algorithms in training neural networks for industrial applications HY Chong, HJ Yap, SC Tan, KS Yap, SY Wong Soft Computing 25 (16), 11209-11233, 2021 | 63 | 2021 |
Genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization based cascade interval type 2 fuzzy PD controller for rotary inverted pendulum system MF Hamza, HJ Yap, IA Choudhury Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 695965, 2015 | 63 | 2015 |
A review on cybersickness and usability in virtual environments M Mousavi, YH Jen, SNB Musa Advanced engineering forum 10, 34-39, 2013 | 63 | 2013 |
Recent advances on the use of meta-heuristic optimization algorithms to optimize the type-2 fuzzy logic systems in intelligent control MF Hamza, HJ Yap, IA Choudhury Neural Computing and Applications 28, 979-999, 2017 | 62 | 2017 |
The implementation of virtual reality in digital factory—a comprehensive review S Chandra Sekaran, HJ Yap, SN Musa, KE Liew, CH Tan, A Aman The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 115 (5), 1349 …, 2021 | 60 | 2021 |
A fuzzy hybrid GA-PSO algorithm for multi-objective AGV scheduling in FMS M Mousavi, HJ Yap, SN Musa, SZM Dawal a a 1 (1), 1, 2017 | 60 | 2017 |
Balance and stability issues in lower extremity exoskeletons: A systematic review MF Hamza, RAR Ghazilla, BB Muhammad, HJ Yap Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 40 (4), 1666-1679, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
VR-Based robot programming and simulation system for an industrial robot YH Jen, Z Taha, LJ Vui International Journal of Industrial Engineering 15 (3), 314-322, 2008 | 55 | 2008 |
Empirical evidence of AMT practices and sustainable environmental initiatives in malaysian automotive SMEs SZM Dawal, F Tahriri, YH Jen, K Case, NH Tho, A Zuhdi, M Mousavi, ... International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 16, 1195-1203, 2015 | 46 | 2015 |
Virtual reality based support system for layout planning and programming of an industrial robotic work cell HJ Yap, Z Taha, SZ Md Dawal, SW Chang PloS one 9 (10), e109692, 2014 | 45 | 2014 |
A genetic programming approach to oral cancer prognosis MS Tan, JW Tan, SW Chang, HJ Yap, SA Kareem, RB Zain PeerJ 4, e2482, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |
A review of the high-mix, low-volume manufacturing industry ZL Gan, SN Musa, HJ Yap Applied Sciences 13 (3), 1687, 2023 | 40 | 2023 |
A survey on advancement of hybrid type 2 fuzzy sliding mode control MF Hamza, HJ Yap, IA Choudhury, H Chiroma, T Kumbasar Neural Computing and Applications 30, 331-353, 2018 | 40 | 2018 |