Prof. Ir. Dr. Hwa Jen YAP (PEng, CEng, MIET)
Prof. Ir. Dr. Hwa Jen YAP (PEng, CEng, MIET)
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على um.edu.my - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Deep learning for plant species classification using leaf vein morphometric
J Wei Tan, SW Chang, S Abdul-Kareem, HJ Yap, KT Yong
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 17 (1), 82-90, 2018
Multi-objective AGV scheduling in an FMS using a hybrid of genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization
M Mousavi, HJ Yap, SN Musa, F Tahriri, SZ Md Dawal
PloS one 12 (3), e0169817, 2017
On equivalence of FIS and ELM for interpretable rule-based knowledge representation
SY Wong, KS Yap, HJ Yap, SC Tan, SW Chang
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 26 (7), 1417-1430, 2014
Augmented reality–based programming, planning and simulation of a robotic work cell
YS Pai, HJ Yap, R Singh
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2015
Technical data-driven tool condition monitoring challenges for CNC milling: a review
SY Wong, JH Chuah, HJ Yap
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 107, 4837-4857, 2020
Current development on using Rotary Inverted Pendulum as a benchmark for testing linear and nonlinear control algorithms
MF Hamza, HJ Yap, IA Choudhury, AI Isa, AY Zimit, T Kumbasar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 116, 347-369, 2019
Design and control of a wearable lower-body exoskeleton for squatting and walking assistance in manual handling works
F Sado, HJ Yap, RAR Ghazilla, N Ahmad
Mechatronics 63, 102272, 2019
Advances of metaheuristic algorithms in training neural networks for industrial applications
HY Chong, HJ Yap, SC Tan, KS Yap, SY Wong
Soft Computing 25 (16), 11209-11233, 2021
Genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization based cascade interval type 2 fuzzy PD controller for rotary inverted pendulum system
MF Hamza, HJ Yap, IA Choudhury
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 695965, 2015
A review on cybersickness and usability in virtual environments
M Mousavi, YH Jen, SNB Musa
Advanced engineering forum 10, 34-39, 2013
Recent advances on the use of meta-heuristic optimization algorithms to optimize the type-2 fuzzy logic systems in intelligent control
MF Hamza, HJ Yap, IA Choudhury
Neural Computing and Applications 28, 979-999, 2017
The implementation of virtual reality in digital factory—a comprehensive review
S Chandra Sekaran, HJ Yap, SN Musa, KE Liew, CH Tan, A Aman
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 115 (5), 1349 …, 2021
A fuzzy hybrid GA-PSO algorithm for multi-objective AGV scheduling in FMS
M Mousavi, HJ Yap, SN Musa, SZM Dawal
a a 1 (1), 1, 2017
Balance and stability issues in lower extremity exoskeletons: A systematic review
MF Hamza, RAR Ghazilla, BB Muhammad, HJ Yap
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 40 (4), 1666-1679, 2020
VR-Based robot programming and simulation system for an industrial robot
YH Jen, Z Taha, LJ Vui
International Journal of Industrial Engineering 15 (3), 314-322, 2008
Empirical evidence of AMT practices and sustainable environmental initiatives in malaysian automotive SMEs
SZM Dawal, F Tahriri, YH Jen, K Case, NH Tho, A Zuhdi, M Mousavi, ...
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 16, 1195-1203, 2015
Virtual reality based support system for layout planning and programming of an industrial robotic work cell
HJ Yap, Z Taha, SZ Md Dawal, SW Chang
PloS one 9 (10), e109692, 2014
A genetic programming approach to oral cancer prognosis
MS Tan, JW Tan, SW Chang, HJ Yap, SA Kareem, RB Zain
PeerJ 4, e2482, 2016
A review of the high-mix, low-volume manufacturing industry
ZL Gan, SN Musa, HJ Yap
Applied Sciences 13 (3), 1687, 2023
A survey on advancement of hybrid type 2 fuzzy sliding mode control
MF Hamza, HJ Yap, IA Choudhury, H Chiroma, T Kumbasar
Neural Computing and Applications 30, 331-353, 2018
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20