Christoph T. Koch
Christoph T. Koch
Department of Physics, Humboldt University of Berlin
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على hu-berlin.de - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Determination of core structure periodicity and point defect density along dislocations
CT Koch
Arizona State University, 2002
FAIR data enabling new horizons for materials research
M Scheffler, M Aeschlimann, M Albrecht, T Bereau, HJ Bungartz, C Felser, ...
Nature 604 (7907), 635-642, 2022
Band-gap measurements of direct and indirect semiconductors using monochromated electrons
L Gu, V Srot, W Sigle, C Koch, P van Aken, F Scholz, SB Thapa, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (19), 195214, 2007
A flux-preserving non-linear inline holography reconstruction algorithm for partially coherent electrons
CT Koch
Ultramicroscopy 108 (2), 141-150, 2008
Confined and chemically flexible grain boundaries in polycrystalline compound semiconductors
D Abou‐Ras, SS Schmidt, R Caballero, T Unold, HW Schock, CT Koch, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 2 (8), 992-998, 2012
Resonant wedge-plasmon modes in single-crystalline gold nanoplatelets
L Gu, W Sigle, CT Koch, B Ögüt, PA Van Aken, N Talebi, R Vogelgesang, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (19), 195433, 2011
Direct imaging of surface plasmon resonances on single triangular silver nanoprisms at optical wavelength using low-loss EFTEM imaging
J Nelayah, L Gu, W Sigle, CT Koch, I Pastoriza-Santos, LM Liz-Marzán, ...
Optics letters 34 (7), 1003-1005, 2009
Intergranular glassy films: An overview
A Subramaniam, CT Koch, RM Cannon, M Rühle
Materials Science and Engineering: A 422 (1-2), 3-18, 2006
An efficient, simple, and precise way to map strain with nanometer resolution in semiconductor devices
CT Koch, VB Özdöl, PA van Aken
Applied Physics Letters 96 (9), 2010
SESAM: exploring the frontiers of electron microscopy
CT Koch, W Sigle, R Höschen, M Rühle, E Essers, G Benner, M Matijevic
Microscopy and Microanalysis 12 (6), 506-514, 2006
Off-axis and inline electron holography: Experimental comparison
T Latychevskaia, P Formanek, CT Koch, A Lubk
Ultramicroscopy 110 (5), 472-482, 2010
Atomic scale confirmation of ferroelectric polarization inversion in wurtzite-type AlScN
N Wolff, S Fichtner, B Haas, MR Islam, F Niekiel, M Kessel, O Ambacher, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 129 (3), 2021
Off-axis and inline electron holography: A quantitative comparison
CT Koch, A Lubk
Ultramicroscopy 110 (5), 460-471, 2010
Multi-resolution convolutional neural networks for inverse problems
F Wang, A Eljarrat, J Müller, TR Henninen, R Erni, CT Koch
Scientific reports 10 (1), 5730, 2020
Quantitative analysis of layering and in-plane structural ordering at an alumina–aluminum solid–liquid interface
Y Kauffmann, SH Oh, CT Koch, A Hashibon, C Scheu, M Rühle, ...
Acta materialia 59 (11), 4378-4386, 2011
Towards full-resolution inline electron holography
CT Koch
Micron 63, 69-75, 2014
Method for Retrieval of the Three-Dimensional Object Potential by Inversion<? format?> of Dynamical Electron Scattering
W Van den Broek, CT Koch
Physical review letters 109 (24), 245502, 2012
Aberration-compensated large-angle rocking-beam electron diffraction
CT Koch
Ultramicroscopy 111 (7), 828-840, 2011
Grain-boundary types in chalcopyrite-type thin films and their correlations with film texture and electrical properties
D Abou-Ras, CT Koch, V Küstner, PA Van Aken, U Jahn, MA Contreras, ...
Thin Solid Films 517 (7), 2545-2549, 2009
Hybridized metal slit eigenmodes as an illustration of Babinet’s principle
B Ogut, R Vogelgesang, W Sigle, N Talebi, CT Koch, PA van Aken
Acs Nano 5 (8), 6701-6706, 2011
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مقالات 1–20