María Pilar Lobera González
María Pilar Lobera González
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Ultrahigh oxygen permeation flux through supported Ba0. 5Sr0. 5Co0. 8Fe0. 2O3− δ membranes
S Baumann, JM Serra, MP Lobera, S Escolástico, F Schulze-Küppers, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 377 (1-2), 198-205, 2011
Transient kinetic modelling of propane dehydrogenation over a Pt–Sn–K/Al2O3 catalyst
MP Lobera, C Téllez, J Herguido, M Menéndez
Applied Catalysis A: General 349 (1-2), 156-164, 2008
High-resolution imaging with SEM/T-SEM, EDX and SAM as a combined methodical approach for morphological and elemental analyses of single engineered nanoparticles
S Rades, VD Hodoroaba, T Salge, T Wirth, MP Lobera, RH Labrador, ...
RSC advances 4 (91), 49577-49587, 2014
On the use of supported ceria membranes for oxyfuel process/syngas production
MP Lobera, JM Serra, SP Foghmoes, M Søgaard, A Kaiser
Journal of Membrane Science 385, 154-161, 2011
Propane Dehydrogenation over Pt−Sn−K/γ-Al2O3 Catalyst in a Two-Zone Fluidized Bed Reactor
MP Lobera, C Tellez, J Herguido, M Menendez
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 47 (23), 9314-9320, 2008
Ethylene Production by ODHE in Catalytically Modified Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ Membrane Reactors
MP Lobera, S Escolástico, J Garcia‐Fayos, JM Serra
ChemSusChem 5 (8), 1587-1596, 2012
High ethylene production through oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane membrane reactors based on fast oxygen‐ion conductors
MP Lobera, S Escolástico, JM Serra
ChemCatChem 3 (9), 1503-1508, 2011
Development of CO2 Protective Layers by Spray Pyrolysis for Ceramic Oxygen Transport Membranes
I García‐Torregrosa, MP Lobera, C Solís, P Atienzar, JM Serra
Advanced Energy Materials 1 (4), 618-625, 2011
Pt−Sn/MgAl2O4 as n-Butane Dehydrogenation Catalyst in a Two-Zone Fluidized-Bed Reactor
MP Lobera, C Téllez, J Herguido, M Menéndez
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 48 (14), 6573-6578, 2009
Catalyst screening for oxidative coupling of methane integrated in membrane reactors
J Garcia-Fayos, MP Lobera, M Balaguer, JM Serra
Frontiers in Materials 5, 31, 2018
Rare Earth‐doped Ceria Catalysts for ODHE Reaction in a Catalytic Modified MIEC Membrane Reactor
MP Lobera, M Balaguer, J Garcia‐Fayos, JM Serra
ChemCatChem 4 (12), 2102-2111, 2012
Dry powder formulation for pulmonary infections: Ciprofloxacin loaded in chitosan sub-micron particles generated by electrospray
B Arauzo, MP Lobera, A Monzon, J Santamaria
Carbohydrate Polymers 273, 118543, 2021
Modeling the size distribution in a fluidized bed of nanopowder
A Fabre, S Salameh, MT Kreutzer, JR van Ommen
Powder technology 312, 347-353, 2017
TAP studies of Pt–Sn–K/γ-Al2O3 catalyst for propane dehydrogenation
MP Lobera, C Téllez, J Herguido, Y Schuurman, M Menéndez
Chemical engineering journal 171 (3), 1317-1323, 2011
Catalytic purification of H2-rich streams by CO-PROX over Pt-Co-Ce/γ-Al2O3 in fluidized bed reactors
MP Lobera, C Téllez, J Herguido, M Menéndez
Catalysis Today 157 (1-4), 404-409, 2010
Optimization of ODHE membrane reactor based on mixed ionic electronic conductor using soft computing techniques
MP Lobera, S Valero, JM Serra, S Escolástico, E Argente, V Botti
Chemical engineering science 66 (24), 6308-6317, 2011
Fluidized bed generation of stable silica nanoparticle aerosols
A Clemente, F Balas, MP Lobera, S Irusta, J Santamaria
Aerosol Science and Technology 47 (8), 867-874, 2013
Fluorescently labelled SiO 2 nanoparticles as tracers in natural waters: dependence of detection limits on environmental conditions
A Clemente, N Moreno, MP Lobera, F Balas, J Santamaria
Environmental Science: Nano 3 (3), 631-637, 2016
Versatile hollow fluorescent metal-silica nanohybrids through a modified microemulsion synthesis route
A Clemente, N Moreno, MP Lobera, F Balas, J Santamaria
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 513, 497-504, 2018
Catalytic Oxide‐Ion Conducting Materials for Surface Activation of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3‐δ Membranes
MP Lobera, M Balaguer, J García‐Fayos, JM Serra
ChemistrySelect 2 (10), 2949-2955, 2017
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مقالات 1–20