Emanuele Goldoni
Emanuele Goldoni
University of Pavia, Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Experimental analysis of RSSI-based indoor localization with IEEE 802.15. 4
E Goldoni, A Savioli, M Risi, P Gamba
2010 European Wireless Conference (EW), 71-77, 2010
Assolo, a new method for available bandwidth estimation
E Goldoni, G Rossi, A Torelli
2009 Fourth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection …, 2009
End-to-end available bandwidth estimation tools, an experimental comparison
E Goldoni, M Schivi
Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, 171-182, 2010
Experimental data set analysis of RSSI‐based indoor and outdoor localization in LoRa networks
E Goldoni, L Prando, A Vizziello, P Savazzi, P Gamba
Internet Technology Letters, 2018
A Wiener-Based RSSI Localization Algorithm Exploiting Modulation Diversity in LoRa Networks
P Savazzi, E Goldoni, A Vizziello, L Favalli, P Gamba
IEEE Sensors Journal 19 (24), 12381-12388, 2019
Monitoring heritage buildings and artworks with wireless sensor networks
F D'Amato, P Gamba, E Goldoni
2012 IEEE Workshop on Environmental Energy and Structural Monitoring Systems …, 2012
Wireless passive sensors for remote sensing of temperature on aerospace platforms
P Gamba, E Goldoni, P Savazzi, PG Arpesi, C Sopranzi, JF Dufour
Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE), 2013 IEEE International …, 2013
Correlation between weather and signal strength in LoRaWAN networks: An extensive dataset
E Goldoni, P Savazzi, L Favalli, A Vizziello
Computer Networks 202, 108627, 2022
Low Complexity Indoor Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks by UWB and Inertial Data Fusion
A Savioli, E Goldoni, P Savazzi, P Gamba
arXiv preprint arXiv:1305.1657, 2013
Improving available bandwidth estimation using averaging filtering techniques
E Goldoni, G Rossi, P Gamba
Rapport technique, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Laboratorio Reti, 2008
REnvDB, a RESTful Database for Pervasive Environmental Wireless Sensor Networks
F De Stefani, P Gamba, E Goldoni, A Savioli, D Silvestri, F Toffalini
Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW), 2010 IEEE 30th …, 2010
Real-time voice streaming over IEEE 802.15. 4
T Facchinetti, M Ghibaudi, E Goldoni, A Savioli
The IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 985-990, 2010
Forecasting LoRaWAN RSSI using weather parameters: A comparative study of ARIMA, artificial intelligence and hybrid approaches
RR Guerra, A Vizziello, P Savazzi, E Goldoni, P Gamba
Computer Networks 243, 110258, 2024
An Open Architecture for Distributed Malware Collection and Analysis
D Cavalca, E Goldoni
Open Source Software for Digital Forensics, 101-116, 2010
HIVE: an open infrastructure for malware collection and analysis
D Cavalca, E Goldoni
1st Workshop on Open Source Software for Computer and Network Forensics …, 2008
Assolo: an Efficient Tool for Active End-to-End Available Bandwidth Estimation
E Goldoni, G Rossi, A Torelli
International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements 2 (4), 283-292, 2009
Low-Complexity Localization and Tracking in Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks
S Kianoush, E Goldoni, A Savioli, P Gamba
ISRN Sensor Networks 2012, 2012
PRISM: a Novel Protocol for Real-Time Synchronous Acquisitions in WSNs
E Goldoni, P Gamba
International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control (JSWCC …, 2011
W-TREMORS, a wireless monitoring system for earthquake engineering
E Goldoni, P Gamba
2010 IEEE Workshop on Environmental Energy and Structural Monitoring Systems …, 2010
A century of light-bending measurements: bringing solar eclipses into the classroom
E Goldoni, L Stefanini
Physics Education 55 (4), 045009, 2020
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مقالات 1–20