Paul Durbin
Paul Durbin
Aerospace Engineering
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Statistical theory and modeling for turbulent flows
PA Durbin, BAP Reif
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Near-wall turbulence closure modeling without “damping functions”
PA Durbin
Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics 3 (1), 1-13, 1991
Separated flow computations with the k-epsilon-v-squared model
PA Durbin
AIAA journal 33 (4), 659-664, 1995
On the k-3 stagnation point anomaly
PA Durbin
International journal of heat and fluid flow 17 (1), 89-90, 1996
Simulations of bypass transition
RG Jacobs, PA Durbin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 428, 185-212, 2001
A Reynolds stress model for near-wall turbulence
PA Durbin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 249, 465-498, 1993
Near-wall behavior of RANS turbulence models and implications for wall functions
G Kalitzin, G Medic, G Iaccarino, P Durbin
Journal of Computational Physics 204 (1), 265-291, 2005
Numerical study of turbulent heat transfer in confined and unconfined impinging jets
M Behnia, S Parneix, Y Shabany, PA Durbin
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 20 (1), 1-9, 1999
Prediction of heat transfer in an axisymmetric turbulent jet impinging on a flat plate
M Behnia, S Parneix, PA Durbin
International journal of heat and mass transfer 41 (12), 1845-1855, 1998
Investigation of the flow between a pair of circular cylinders in the flopping regime
HJ Kim, PA Durbin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 196, 431-448, 1988
Reynolds averaged simulation of unsteady separated flow
G Iaccarino, A Ooi, PA Durbin, M Behnia
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 24 (2), 147-156, 2003
The structure and dynamics of the ocean surface mixed layer
GL Mellor, PA Durbin
Journal of Physical Oceanography 5 (4), 718-728, 1975
Some recent developments in turbulence closure modeling
PA Durbin
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 50 (1), 77-103, 2018
Observations of the frequencies in a sphere wake and of drag increase by acoustic excitation
HJ Kim, PA Durbin
The Physics of fluids 31 (11), 3260-3265, 1988
A stochastic model of two-particle dispersion and concentration fluctuations in homogeneous turbulence
PA Durbin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 100 (2), 279-302, 1980
Simulation of boundary layer transition induced by periodically passing wakes
X Wu, RG Jacobs, JCR Hunt, PA Durbin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 398, 109-153, 1999
Evidence of longitudinal vortices evolved from distorted wakes in a turbine passage
X Wu, PA Durbin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 446, 199-228, 2001
Computations of transonic flow with the v2–f turbulence model
FS Lien, G Kalitzin
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 22 (1), 53-61, 2001
Mode interaction and the bypass route to transition
TA Zaki, PA Durbin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 531, 85-111, 2005
Closure strategies for turbulent and transitional flows
BE Launder, ND Sandham
Cambridge University Press, 2002
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مقالات 1–20