Paul G Albert
Paul G Albert
UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, Swansea University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Volcanic ash layers illuminate the resilience of Neanderthals and early modern humans to natural hazards
J Lowe, N Barton, S Blockley, CB Ramsey, VL Cullen, W Davies, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (34), 13532-13537, 2012
The chronostratigraphy of the Haua Fteah cave (Cyrenaica, northeast Libya)
K Douka, Z Jacobs, C Lane, R Grün, L Farr, C Hunt, RH Inglis, T Reynolds, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 66, 39-63, 2014
The major and trace element glass compositions of the productive Mediterranean volcanic sources: tools for correlating distal tephra layers in and around Europe
EL Tomlinson, VC Smith, PG Albert, E Aydar, L Civetta, R Cioni, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 118, 48-66, 2015
Improved age estimates for key Late Quaternary European tephra horizons in the RESET lattice
CB Ramsey, PG Albert, SPE Blockley, M Hardiman, RA Housley, CS Lane, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 118, 18-32, 2015
The 100–133 ka record of Italian explosive volcanism and revised tephrochronology of Lago Grande di Monticchio
S Wulf, J Keller, M Paterne, J Mingram, S Lauterbach, S Opitz, G Sottili, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 58, 104-123, 2012
Early Last Interglacial ocean warming drove substantial ice mass loss from Antarctica
CSM Turney, CJ Fogwill, NR Golledge, NP McKay, E van Sebille, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (8), 3996-4006, 2020
First integrated tephrochronological record for the last∼ 190 kyr from the Fucino Quaternary lacustrine succession, central Italy
B Giaccio, EM Niespolo, A Pereira, S Nomade, PR Renne, PG Albert, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 158, 211-234, 2017
Evidence for a large-magnitude eruption from Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) at 29 ka
PG Albert, B Giaccio, R Isaia, A Costa, EM Niespolo, S Nomade, A Pereira, ...
Geology 47 (7), 595-599, 2019
Marine-continental tephra correlations: volcanic glass geochemistry from the Marsili Basin and the Aeolian Islands, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy
PG Albert, EL Tomlinson, VC Smith, A Di Roberto, A Todman, M Rosi, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 229, 74-94, 2012
Clarifying the distal to proximal tephrochronology of the Millennium (B–Tm) eruption, Changbaishan Volcano, northeast China
XY Chen, SPE Blockley, PE Tarasov, YG Xu, D McLean, EL Tomlinson, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 33, 61-75, 2016
A new contribution to the Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy of the Mediterranean: Aegean Sea core LC21
C Satow, EL Tomlinson, KM Grant, PG Albert, VC Smith, CJ Manning, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 117, 96-112, 2015
Age and geochemistry of tephra layers from Ischia, Italy: constraints from proximal-distal correlations with Lago Grande di Monticchio
EL Tomlinson, PG Albert, S Wulf, RJ Brown, VC Smith, J Keller, G Orsi, ...
Journal of volcanology and Geothermal Research 287, 22-39, 2014
Integrating the Holocene tephrostratigraphy for East Asia using a high-resolution cryptotephra study from Lake Suigetsu (SG14 core), central Japan
D McLean, PG Albert, T Nakagawa, T Suzuki, RA Staff, K Yamada, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 183, 36-58, 2018
Revisiting the Y-3 tephrostratigraphic marker: a new diagnostic glass geochemistry, age estimate, and details on its climatostratigraphical context
PG Albert, M Hardiman, J Keller, EL Tomlinson, VC Smith, AJ Bourne, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 118, 105-121, 2015
Underestimated risks of recurrent long-range ash dispersal from northern Pacific Arc volcanoes
AJ Bourne, PM Abbott, PG Albert, E Cook, NJG Pearce, V Ponomareva, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 29837, 2016
The RESET project: constructing a European tephra lattice for refined synchronisation of environmental and archaeological events during the last c. 100 ka
JJ Lowe, CB Ramsey, RA Housley, CS Lane, EL Tomlinson, R Associates, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 118, 1-17, 2015
Tephra dispersal during the Campanian Ignimbrite (Italy) eruption: implications for ultra-distal ash transport during the large caldera-forming eruption
VC Smith, R Isaia, SL Engwell, PG Albert
Bulletin of Volcanology 78, 1-15, 2016
Identification of the Changbaishan ‘Millennium’(B-Tm) eruption deposit in the Lake Suigetsu (SG06) sedimentary archive, Japan: synchronisation of hemispheric-wide palaeoclimate …
D McLean, PG Albert, T Nakagawa, RA Staff, T Suzuki, VC Smith
Quaternary Science Reviews 150, 301-307, 2016
Late glacial explosive activity on Mount Etna: Implications for proximal–distal tephra correlations and the synchronisation of Mediterranean archives
PG Albert, EL Tomlinson, CS Lane, S Wulf, VC Smith, M Coltelli, J Keller, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 265, 9-26, 2013
Tephrochronology of core PRAD 1-2 from the Adriatic Sea: insights into Italian explosive volcanism for the period 200–80 ka
AJ Bourne, PG Albert, IP Matthews, F Trincardi, S Wulf, A Asioli, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 116, 28-43, 2015
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مقالات 1–20