Jorge Marcos Marcos
Jorge Marcos Marcos
University of Alicante, Faculty of Health Science, Departmen of Health Psychology
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Desigualdades de género en el deterioro de la salud como consecuencia del cuidado informal en España
MM García-Calvente, M del Río Lozano, J Marcos-Marcos
Gaceta Sanitaria 25, 100-107, 2011
Gender Identity in Informal Care Impact on Health in Spanish Caregivers
M del Río-Lozano, M del Mar García-Calvente, J Marcos-Marcos, ...
Qualitative Health Research 23 (11), 1506-1520, 2013
Exhausted women, tough men: a qualitative study on gender differences in health, vulnerability and coping with illness in Spain
MM García‐Calvente, N Hidalgo‐Ruzzante, M del Río‐Lozano, ...
Sociology of Health & Illness 34 (6), 911-926, 2012
Positive masculinities and gender-based violence educational interventions among young people: a systematic review
V Pérez-Martínez, J Marcos-Marcos, A Cerdán-Torregrosa, ...
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 24 (2), 468-486, 2023
‘A synergy model of health’: an integration of salutogenesis and the health assets model
P Pérez-Wilson, J Marcos-Marcos, A Morgan, M Eriksson, B Lindström, ...
Health Promotion International 36 (3), 884-894, 2021
Performing masculinity, influencing health: A qualitative mixed methods in Spanish young men.
J Marcos-Marcos, N Romo-Avilés, MM Del Río Lozano, J Palomares, ...
Global Health Action 6 (21134, http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/gha), 2013
Guía de indicadores par medir las desigualdades de género en salud y sus determinantes
MM García-Calvente, M del Río-Lozano, Marcos-Marcos J.
Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública, 2015
Intensive alcohol consumption by adolescents in Southern Spain: the importance of friendship.
Romo-Avilés N., Marcos-Marcos J., Marquina-Márquez A., Gil-Garcia E.
International Journal of Drug Policy, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2016., 2016
Bebiendo como chicos: consumo compartido de alcohol y rupturas de género en poblaciones adolescentes [Drinking like boys: Shared alcohol consumption and gender ruptures in …
N Romo-Avilés, J Marcos-Marcos, E Gil García, A Marquina Márquez, ...
Revista Española de Drogodependencias 1, 13-28, 2015
Impact, economic evaluation, and sustainability of integrated vector management in urban settings to prevent vector-borne diseases: a scoping review
J Marcos-Marcos, A Olry de Labry-Lima, S Toro-Cardenas, M Lacasaña, ...
Infectious diseases of poverty 7, 1-14, 2018
Gender equality and the global gender gap in life expectancy: an exploratory analysis of 152 countries
JT Mateos, J Fernández-Sáez, J Marcos-Marcos, C Álvarez-Dardet, ...
International Journal of Health Policy and Management 11 (6), 740, 2020
El estudio de la salud de los hombres desde una perspectiva de género: de dónde venimos, hacia dónde vamos [The study of men’s health from a gender-based perspective: where we …
J Marcos-Marcos, JT Mateos, À Gasch-Gallén, C Álvarez-Dardet
Salud colectiva 16, e2246, 2020
“I like to be different from how I normally am”: Heavy alcohol consumption among female Spanish adolescents and the unsettling of traditional gender norms
N Romo-Avilés, J Marcos-Marcos, A Tarragona-Camacho, E Gil-García, ...
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 25 (3), 262-272, 2018
Male and female involvement in the birth and child‐rearing process
G Maroto‐Navarro, G Pastor, R Ocaña‐Riola, V Benítez, ...
Journal of Clinical Nursing 22 (21-22), 3071-3083, 2013
Girl power: risky sexual behaviour and gender identity amongst young Spanish recreational drug users
N Romo-Avilés, J Marcos-Marcos, A Rodríguez, A Cabrera, M Hernán
Sexualities 12 (3), 355-377, 2009
Importancia del proceso en la evaluación de la efectividad de una intervención sobre obesidad infantil
C Lineros-González, J Marcos-Marcos, C Ariza, M Hernán-García, ...
Gaceta Sanitaria 31 (3), 238-241, 2017
Understanding children: a qualitative study on health assets of the Internet in Spain
M Hernán-García, B Botello-Díaz, J Marcos-Marcos, S Toro-Cárdenas, ...
International Journal of Public Health 60 (2), 239-247, 2015
Gender inequalities in health deterioration as a result of informal care in Spain
M del Río Lozano
Gaceta Sanitaria 25, 100-107, 2011
Evidence for deprescription in primary care through an umbrella review
A Olry de Labry Lima, J Marcos Marcos, A Marquina Marquez, ...
BMC family practice 21, 1-12, 2020
Embedded gender and social changes underpinning inequalities in health: An ethnographic insight into a local Spanish context
M García-Calvente, J Marcos-Marcos, M del Río-Lozano, ...
Social science & medicine 75 (12), 2225-2232, 2012
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20