Siming He(何思明)
Siming He(何思明)
Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences(中科院成都山地所)
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Effects of cyclic dynamic loading on the mechanical properties of intact rock samples under confining pressure conditions
E Liu, S He
Engineering Geology 125, 81-91, 2012
5· 12 汶川地震诱发的山地灾害及减灾措施
崔鹏, 韦方强, 何思明, 游勇, 陈晓清, 李战鲁, 党超, 杨成林
山地学报 26 (3), 280-282, 2008
Numerical analysis of dynamics of debris flow over erodible beds in Wenchuan earthquake-induced area
C Ouyang, S He, C Tang
Engineering Geology 194, 62-72, 2015
A MacCormack-TVD finite difference method to simulate the mass flow in mountainous terrain with variable computational domain
C Ouyang, S He, Q Xu, Y Luo, W Zhang
Computers & Geosciences 52, 1-10, 2013
Effects of frequency on the dynamic properties of intact rock samples subjected to cyclic loading under confining pressure conditions
E Liu, R Huang, S He
Rock mechanics and rock engineering 45, 89-102, 2012
Mountain disasters induced by the earthquake of May 12 in Wenchuan and the disasters mitigation
P Cui, FQ Wei, SM He, Y You, XQ Chen, ZL Li, C Dang, CL Yang
Journal of Mountain Science 26 (3), 280-282, 2008
崔鹏, 韦方强, 陈晓清, 何思明, 游勇, 党超, 李占鲁
中国科学院院刊, 317-323, 2012
Source characteristics and dynamics of the October 2018 Baige landslide revealed by broadband seismograms
Z Zhang, S He, W Liu, H Liang, S Yan, Y Deng, X Bai, Z Chen
Landslides 16, 777-785, 2019
Numerical modeling and dynamic analysis of the 2017 Xinmo landslide in Maoxian County, China
C Ouyang, W Zhao, S He, D Wang, S Zhou, H An, Z Wang, D Cheng
Journal of Mountain Science 14 (9), 1701-1711, 2017
Prediction of impact force of debris flows based on distribution and size of particles
S He, W Liu, X Li
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-8, 2016
Dynamic simulation of a mountain disaster chain: landslides, barrier lakes, and outburst floods
W Liu, S He
Natural hazards 90, 757-775, 2018
Optimal location of piles in slope stabilization by limit analysis
X Li, X Pei, M Gutierrez, S He
Acta Geotechnica 7, 253-259, 2012
Simulation of the sliding process of Donghekou landslide triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake using a distinct element method
X Li, S He, Y Luo, Y Wu
Environmental Earth Sciences 65, 1049-1054, 2012
Measuring and estimating the impact pressure of debris flows on bridge piers based on large-scale laboratory experiments
D Wang, Z Chen, S He, Y Liu, H Tang
Landslides 15, 1331-1345, 2018
岩土力学 22 (3), 308-310, 2001
何思明, 李新坡
岩石力学与工程学报 25 (9), 1876-1880, 2006
MacCormack-TVD finite difference solution for dam break hydraulics over erodible sediment beds
C Ouyang, S He, Q Xu
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 141 (5), 06014026, 2015
Seismic stability analysis of gravity retaining walls
X Li, Y Wu, S He
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 30 (10), 875-878, 2010
Dynamic properties of intact rock samples subjected to cyclic loading under confining pressure conditions
EL Liu, S He, X Xue, J Xu
Rock mechanics and rock engineering 44, 629-634, 2011
Numerical analysis of effect of baffle configuration on impact force exerted from rock avalanches
YZ Bi, YJ Du, SM He, XP Sun, DP Wang, XP Li, H Liang, Y Wu
Landslides 15, 1029-1043, 2018
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مقالات 1–20