Georgia Chaseling
Georgia Chaseling
Post doctoral fellow University of Sydney
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على sydney.edu.au
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Electric fan use for cooling during hot weather: a biophysical modelling study
NB Morris, GK Chaseling, T English, F Gruss, MFB Maideen, A Capon, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 5 (6), e368-e377, 2021
A comparison of thermoregulatory responses to exercise between mass-matched groups with large differences in body fat
S Dervis, GB Coombs, GK Chaseling, D Filingeri, J Smoljanic, O Jay
Journal of applied physiology 120 (6), 615-623, 2016
Extreme heat and cardiovascular health: what a cardiovascular health professional should know
GK Chaseling, J Iglesies-Grau, M Juneau, A Nigam, D Kaiser, D Gagnon
Canadian Journal of Cardiology 37 (11), 1828-1836, 2021
Skin blood flow measurements during heat stress: technical and analytical considerations
GK Chaseling, CG Crandall, D Gagnon
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2020
Improved neural control of body temperature following heat acclimation in humans
H Barry, GK Chaseling, S Moreault, C Sauvageau, P Behzadi, H Gravel, ...
The Journal of Physiology 598 (6), 1223-1234, 2020
Afferent thermosensory function in relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis following exercise‐induced increases in body temperature
D Filingeri, G Chaseling, P Hoang, M Barnett, SL Davis, O Jay
Experimental physiology 102 (8), 887-893, 2017
Cold water ingestion improves exercise tolerance of heat-sensitive people with MS
GK Chaseling, D Filingeri, M Barnett, P Hoang, SL Davis, O Jay
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 50 (4), 643-648, 2018
Cardiovascular control during heat stress in older adults: time for an update
H Gravel, GK Chaseling, H Barry, A Debray, D Gagnon
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 2021
Thermoregulation during pregnancy: a controlled trial investigating the risk of maternal hyperthermia during exercise in the heat
JW Smallcombe, A Puhenthirar, W Casasola, DS Inoue, GK Chaseling, ...
Sports Medicine 51 (12), 2655-2664, 2021
Impaired thermoregulatory function during dynamic exercise in multiple sclerosis
DR Allen, MU Huang, NB Morris, GK Chaseling, O Jay, SL Davis
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 51 (3), 395, 2019
Acute effect of passive heat exposure on markers of cardiometabolic function in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus
P Behzadi, N Ravanelli, H Gravel, H Barry, A Debray, GK Chaseling, ...
Journal of Applied Physiology 132 (5), 1154-1166, 2022
Self-paced exercise performance in the heat with neck cooling, menthol application, and abdominal cooling
FM Bright, GK Chaseling, O Jay, NB Morris
Journal of science and medicine in sport 22 (3), 371-377, 2019
Extreme heat and adverse cardiovascular outcomes in Australia and New Zealand: what do we know?
GK Chaseling, NB Morris, N Ravanelli
Heart, Lung and Circulation 32 (1), 43-51, 2023
Blunted sweating does not alter the rise in core temperature in people with multiple sclerosis exercising in the heat
GK Chaseling, D Filingeri, D Allen, M Barnett, S Vucic, SL Davis, O Jay
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2021
Body temperature mapping in critically ill newborn infants nursed under radiant warmers during intensive care
GK Chaseling, Y Molgat-Seon, T Daboval, S Chou, O Jay
Journal of Perinatology 36 (7), 540-543, 2016
The temperature of water ingested before exercise alters the onset of physiological heat loss responses
OJ Nathan B. Morris, Georgia K. Chaseling, Anthony R. Bain
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2018
Finnish sauna bathing and vascular health of adults with coronary artery disease: a randomized controlled trial
A Debray, H Gravel, L Garceau, AA Bartlett, GK Chaseling, H Barry, ...
Journal of applied physiology 135 (4), 795-804, 2023
Individualized analysis of skin thermosensory thresholds and sensitivity in heat-sensitive people with multiple sclerosis
D Filingeri, G Chaseling, A Christogianni, K Feka, A Bianco, SL Davis, ...
Temperature 8 (1), 21-29, 2021
The effect of heat exposure on myocardial blood flow and cardiovascular function
H Barry, J Iglesies-Grau, GK Chaseling, J Paul, C Gosselin, ...
Annals of Internal Medicine 177 (7), 901-910, 2024
The acute effect of heat exposure on forearm macro‐and microvascular function: Impact of measurement timing, heating modality and biological sex
GK Chaseling, A Debray, H Gravel, N Ravanelli, AA Bartlett, D Gagnon
Experimental Physiology 108 (2), 221-239, 2023
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مقالات 1–20