Heinz GUTSCHER, Prof. Emeritus of Social Psychology
Heinz GUTSCHER, Prof. Emeritus of Social Psychology
Scientific Advisory Board of Proclim, Forum for Climate and Global Change, Swiss Academy of Sciences
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Perception of risk: the influence of general trust, and general confidence
M Siegrist, H Gutscher, TC Earle
Journal of risk research 8 (2), 145-156, 2005
The role of the affect and availability heuristics in risk communication
C Keller, M Siegrist, H Gutscher
Risk analysis 26 (3), 631-639, 2006
The Proposition of a General Version of the Theory of Planned Behavior: Predicting Ecological Behavior1
FG Kaiser, H Gutscher
Journal of applied social psychology 33 (3), 586-603, 2003
Flooding risks: A comparison of lay people's perceptions and expert's assessments in Switzerland
M Siegrist, H Gutscher
Risk analysis 26 (4), 971-979, 2006
Natural hazards and motivation for mitigation behavior: People cannot predict the affect evoked by a severe flood
M Siegrist, H Gutscher
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 28 (3), 771-778, 2008
Test of a trust and confidence model in the applied context of electromagnetic field (EMF) risks
M Siegrist, TC Earle, H Gutscher
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 23 (4), 705-716, 2003
Trust, risk perception and the TCC model of cooperation 1
TC Earle, M Siegrist, H Gutscher
Trust in risk management, 1-49, 2010
A vision for human well-being: transition to social sustainability
DS Rogers, AK Duraiappah, DC Antons, P Munoz, X Bai, M Fragkias, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4 (1), 61-73, 2012
Walking in “wild” and “tended” urban forests: The impact on psychological well-being
D Martens, H Gutscher, N Bauer
Journal of environmental psychology 31 (1), 36-44, 2011
Perception of mobile phone and base station risks
M Siegrist, TC Earle, H Gutscher, C Keller
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 25 (5), 1253-1264, 2005
Trust in risk management: Uncertainty and scepticism in the public mind
M Siegrist, TC Earle, H Gutscher
Earthscan, 2010
Psychological determinants of fuel consumption of purchased new cars
A Peters, H Gutscher, RW Scholz
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 14 (3), 229-239, 2011
Shared values, social trust, and the perception of geographic cancer clusters
M Siegrist, GT Cvetkovich, H Gutscher
Risk Analysis 21 (6), 1047-1054, 2001
Risk preference predictions and gender stereotypes
M Siegrist, G Cvetkovich, H Gutscher
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 87 (1), 91-102, 2002
A typology of tools for building sustainability strategies
R Kaufmann-Hayoz, C Bättig, S Bruppacher, R Defila, A Di Giulio, ...
Changing Things—Moving People: Strategies for Promoting Sustainable …, 2001
Appreciation of nature and appreciation of environmental protection: How stable are these attitudes and which comes first?
FG Kaiser, A Brügger, T Hartig, FX Bogner, H Gutscher
European review of applied psychology 64 (6), 269-277, 2014
Gesundheitspsychologie: die sozialpsychologische Perspektive
R Hornung, H Gutscher
Lehrbuch der Gesundheitspsychologie (65-87). Stuttgart: Enke, 1994
Computer simulation as a method of further developing a theory: Simulating the elaboration likelihood model
HJ Mosler, K Schwarz, F Ammann, H Gutscher
Personality and Social Psychology Review 5 (3), 201-215, 2001
Affect-inducing risk communication: current knowledge and future directions
VHM Visschers, PM Wiedemann, H Gutscher, S Kurzenhäuser, R Seidl, ...
Journal of Risk Research 15 (3), 257-271, 2012
Changing things-moving people: strategies for promoting sustainable development at the local level
R Kaufmann-Hayoz, H Gutscher
Springer Science & Business Media, 2001
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مقالات 1–20