Despoina Xanthopoulou
Despoina Xanthopoulou
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The role of personal resources in the job demands-resources model.
D Xanthopoulou, AB Bakker, E Demerouti, WB Schaufeli
International journal of stress management 14 (2), 121, 2007
Job resources boost work engagement, particularly when job demands are high.
AB Bakker, JJ Hakanen, E Demerouti, D Xanthopoulou
Journal of educational psychology 99 (2), 274, 2007
Reciprocal relationships between job resources, personal resources, and work engagement
D Xanthopoulou, AB Bakker, E Demerouti, WB Schaufeli
Journal of Vocational behavior 74 (3), 235-244, 2009
Work engagement and financial returns: A diary study on the role of job and personal resources
D Xanthopoulou, AB Bakker, E Demerouti, WB Schaufeli
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 82 (1), 183-200, 2009
Do transformational leaders enhance their followers' daily work engagement?
M Tims, AB Bakker, D Xanthopoulou
The leadership quarterly 22 (1), 121-131, 2011
Beyond the demand-control model
AB Bakker, M Van Veldhoven, D Xanthopoulou
Journal of personnel psychology, 2010
Working in the sky: a diary study on work engagement among flight attendants.
D Xanthopoulou, AB Baker, E Heuven, E Demerouti, WB Schaufeli
Journal of occupational health psychology 13 (4), 345, 2008
When do job demands particularly predict burnout? The moderating role of job resources
D Xanthopoulou, AB Bakker, MF Dollard, E Demerouti, WB Schaufeli, ...
Journal of managerial psychology 22 (8), 766-786, 2007
The crossover of daily work engagement: Test of an actor–partner interdependence model.
AB Bakker, D Xanthopoulou
Journal of applied psychology 94 (6), 1562, 2009
The gain spiral of resources and work engagement: Sustaining a positive worklife
M Salanova, WB Schaufeli, D Xanthopoulou, AB Bakker
Work engagement: A handbook of essential theory and research 1, 118-131, 2010
Work engagement among employees facing emotional demands
D Xanthopoulou, AB Bakker, A Fischbach
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2013
Creativity and charisma among female leaders: The role of resources and work engagement
AB Bakker, D Xanthopoulou
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (14), 2760-2779, 2013
Measuring job and academic burnout with the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI): Factorial invariance across samples and countries
D Reis, D Xanthopoulou, I Tsaousis
Burnout research 2 (1), 8-18, 2015
Burnout and connectedness among Australian volunteers: A test of the Job Demands–Resources model
KA Lewig, D Xanthopoulou, AB Bakker, MF Dollard, JC Metzer
Journal of vocational behavior 71 (3), 429-445, 2007
Everyday working life: Explaining within-person fluctuations in employee well-being
D Xanthopoulou, AB Bakker, R Ilies
Human relations 65 (9), 1051-1069, 2012
How do engaged employees stay engaged
AB Bakker, E Demerouti, D Xanthopoulou
Ciencia & Trabajo 14 (1), 15-21, 2012
A diary study on the happy worker: How job resources relate to positive emotions and personal resources
D Xanthopoulou, AB Bakker, E Demerouti, WB Schaufeli
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 21 (4), 489-517, 2012
Structural empowerment, psychological empowerment, and work engagement: A cross-country study
A Monje-Amor, D Xanthopoulou, N Calvo, JPA Vázquez
European Management Journal 39 (6), 779-789, 2021
Social support moderates the impact of demands on burnout and organizational connectedness: a two-wave study of volunteer firefighters.
JY Huynh, D Xanthopoulou, AH Winefield
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 18 (1), 9, 2013
Need for recovery after emotional labor: Differential effects of daily deep and surface acting
D Xanthopoulou, AB Bakker, WGM Oerlemans, M Koszucka
Journal of Organizational Behavior 39 (4), 481-494, 2018
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مقالات 1–20