A new tide model for the Antarctic ice shelves and seas L Padman, HA Fricker, R Coleman, S Howard, L Erofeeva Annals of Glaciology 34, 247-254, 2002 | 457 | 2002 |
Water-mass properties and circulation on the west Antarctic Peninsula Continental Shelf in Austral Fall and Winter 2001 JM Klinck, EE Hofmann, RC Beardsley, B Salihoglu, S Howard Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 51 (17-19), 1925-1946, 2004 | 215 | 2004 |
Response of Pacific-sector Antarctic ice shelves to the El Niño/Southern oscillation FS Paolo, L Padman, HA Fricker, S Adusumilli, S Howard, MR Siegfried Nature geoscience 11 (2), 121-126, 2018 | 166 | 2018 |
Ross Ice Shelf response to climate driven by the tectonic imprint on seafloor bathymetry KJ Tinto, L Padman, CS Siddoway, SR Springer, HA Fricker, I Das, ... Nature Geoscience 12 (6), 441-449, 2019 | 139 | 2019 |
Tides of the northwestern Ross Sea and their impact on dense outflows of Antarctic Bottom Water L Padman, SL Howard, AH Orsi, RD Muench Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (13-14), 818-834, 2009 | 139 | 2009 |
Mixing in the pycnocline over the western Antarctic Peninsula shelf during Southern Ocean GLOBEC SL Howard, J Hyatt, L Padman Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 51 (17-19), 1965-1979, 2004 | 72 | 2004 |
Tidal influences on a future evolution of the Filchner–Ronne Ice Shelf cavity in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica RD Mueller, T Hattermann, SL Howard, L Padman The Cryosphere 12 (2), 453-476, 2018 | 49 | 2018 |
Upper ocean diapycnal mixing in the northwestern Weddell Sea RD Muench, L Padman, SL Howard, E Fahrbach Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (21), 4843-4861, 2002 | 38 | 2002 |
Cats2008: Circum-antarctic tidal simulation version 2008 S Erofeeva, SL Howard, L Padman (No Title), 2019 | 34 | 2019 |
Internal tide generation along the South Scotia Ridge L Padman, S Howard, R Muench Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (1-2), 157-171, 2006 | 32 | 2006 |
Tide model driver (TMD) version 2.5, toolbox for Matlab S Erofeeva, L Padman, SL Howard 2020-03-14). https://www. github. com/EarthAndSpaceResearch …, 2020 | 25 | 2020 |
Response of Pacific-sector Antarctic ice shelves to the El Niño/Southern Oscillation, Nat. Geosci., 11, 121–126 FS Paolo, L Padman, HA Fricker, S Adusumilli, S Howard, MR Siegfried | 17 | 2018 |
Topographic vorticity waves forced by Antarctic dense shelf water outflows GM Marques, L Padman, SR Springer, SL Howard, TM Özgökmen Geophysical Research Letters 41 (4), 1247-1254, 2014 | 17 | 2014 |
Ross Ice Shelf response to climate driven by the tectonic imprint on seafloor bathymetry, Nat. Geosci., 12, 441–449 KJ Tinto, L Padman, CS Siddoway, SR Springer, HA Fricker, I Das, ... | 16 | 2019 |
Buoyancy‐driven flexure at the front of Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, observed with ICESat‐2 laser altimetry MK Becker, SL Howard, HA Fricker, L Padman, C Mosbeux, MR Siegfried Geophysical Research Letters 48 (12), e2020GL091207, 2021 | 13 | 2021 |
Arc2kmTM: Arctic 2 kilometer Tide Model, 2021 SL Howard, L Padman Arctic Data Center, 10.18739/A2PV6B79W, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Tide Model Driver for MATLAB CA Greene, S Erofeeva, L Padman, SL Howard, T Sutterley, G Egbert Journal of Open Source Software 9 (95), 6018, 2024 | 4 | 2024 |
Semidiurnal current dynamics in the Arctic Ocean's eastern Eurasian Basin T Baumann, I Polyakov, L Padman, S Danielson, I Fer, S Howard, ... EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 5592, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
ArcTiCA: Arctic tidal constituents atlas MG Hart-Davis, SL Howard, RD Ray, OB Andersen, L Padman, F Nilsen, ... Scientific Data 11 (1), 167, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Observing persistent polynyas at the Antarctic coastline with year-round ICESat-2 surface elevations and Landsat temperature fields T Snow, M Siegfried, M Zhao, AS Zinck, W Sauthoff, L Bachelot, ... AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, C12B-08, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |