J. Jaime Gómez-Hernández
J. Jaime Gómez-Hernández
Professor of Hydrogeology, Universitat Politècnica de València
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Upscaling hydraulic conductivities in heterogeneous media: An overview
XH Wen, JJ Gómez-Hernández
Journal of hydrology 183 (1-2), ix-xxxii, 1996
Stochastic simulation of transmissivity fields conditional to both transmissivity and piezometric data—I. Theory
JJ Gómez-Hernánez, A Sahuquillo, JE Capilla
Journal of Hydrology 203 (1-4), 162-174, 1997
Joint sequential simulation of multigaussian fields
JJ Gómez-Hernández, AG Journel
Geostatistics Tróia’92: volume 1, 85-94, 1993
A review and numerical assessment of the random walk particle tracking method
P Salamon, D Fernàndez-Garcia, JJ Gómez-Hernández
Journal of contaminant hydrology 87 (3-4), 277-305, 2006
A comparison of seven geostatistically based inverse approaches to estimate transmissivities for modeling advective transport by groundwater flow
DA Zimmerman, G De Marsily, CA Gotway, MG Marietta, CL Axness, ...
Water Resources Research 34 (6), 1373-1413, 1998
Inverse methods in hydrogeology: Evolution and recent trends
H Zhou, JJ Gómez-Hernández, L Li
Advances in Water Resources 63, 22-37, 2014
ISIM3D: An ANSI-C three-dimensional multiple indicator conditional simulation program
JJ Gómez-Hernández, RM Srivastava
Computers & Geosciences 16 (4), 395-440, 1990
To be or not to be multi-Gaussian? A reflection on stochastic hydrogeology
JJ Gómez-Hernández, XH Wen
Advances in Water Resources 21 (1), 47-61, 1998
An approach to handling non-Gaussianity of parameters and state variables in ensemble Kalman filtering
H Zhou, JJ Gomez-Hernandez, HJH Franssen, L Li
Advances in water Resources 34 (7), 844-864, 2011
A non-parametric automatic blending methodology to estimate rainfall fields from rain gauge and radar data
CA Velasco-Forero, D Sempere-Torres, EF Cassiraga, ...
Advances in Water Resources 32 (7), 986-1002, 2009
Effective groundwater model parameter values: Influence of spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity, leakance, and recharge
JJ Gómez‐Hernández, SM Gorelick
Water Resources Research 25 (3), 405-419, 1989
A stochastic approach to the problem of upscaling of conductivity in disordered media: Theory and unconditional numerical simulations
Y Rubin, JJ Gómez‐Hernández
Water Resources Research 26 (4), 691-701, 1990
Stochastic imaging of the Wilmington clastic sequence
AG Journel, JJ Gómez-Hernández
SPE formation Evaluation 8 (01), 33-40, 1993
A stochastic approach to the simulation of block conductivity fields conditioned upon data measured at a smaller scale
JJ Gómez Hernández
Stanford University - Department of Applied Earth Sciences, 1991
Modeling mass transfer processes using random walk particle tracking
P Salamon, D Fernàndez‐Garcia, JJ Gómez‐Hernández
Water Resources Research 42 (11), 2006
Uncertainty assessment and data worth in groundwater flow and mass transport modeling using a blocking Markov chain Monte Carlo method
J Fu, JJ Gómez-Hernández
Journal of Hydrology 364 (3-4), 328-341, 2009
Modeling tracer transport at the MADE site: The importance of heterogeneity
P Salamon, D Fernàndez‐Garcia, JJ Gómez‐Hernández
Water Resources Research 43 (8), 2007
Jointly mapping hydraulic conductivity and porosity by assimilating concentration data via ensemble Kalman filter
L Li, H Zhou, JJ Gómez-Hernández, HJH Franssen
Journal of hydrology 428, 152-169, 2012
Simultaneous identification of a contaminant source and hydraulic conductivity via the restart normal-score ensemble Kalman filter
T Xu, JJ Gómez-Hernández
Advances in Water Resources 112, 106-123, 2018
Theory and practice of sequential simulation
JJ Gómez-Hernández, EF Cassiraga
Geostatistical Simulations: Proceedings of the Geostatistical Simulation …, 1994
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مقالات 1–20