Leigh Raymond
Leigh Raymond
Professor of Political Science, University of Vermont
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Equity and greenhouse gas responsibility
P Baer, J Harte, B Haya, AV Herzog, J Holdren, NE Hultman, ...
Science 289 (5488), 2287-2287, 2000
Framing, partisan predispositions, and public opinion on climate change
SL Wiest, L Raymond, RA Clawson
Global environmental change 31, 187-198, 2015
Private rights in public resources: equity and property allocation in market-based environmental policy
L Raymond
Routledge, 2014
Public attitudes toward political and technological options for biofuels
AB Delshad, L Raymond, V Sawicki, DT Wegener
Energy Policy 38 (7), 3414-3425, 2010
Cooperation without trust: Overcoming collective action barriers to endangered species protection
L Raymond
Policy Studies Journal 34 (1), 37-57, 2006
Does climate denialism still matter? The prevalence of alternative frames in opposition to climate policy
HW Cann, L Raymond
Environmental Politics 27 (3), 433-454, 2018
Media framing and public attitudes toward biofuels
A Delshad, L Raymond
Review of Policy Research 30 (2), 190-210, 2013
Economic growth as environmental policy? Reconsidering the Environmental Kuznets Curve
L Raymond
Journal of Public Policy 24 (3), 327-348, 2004
Making change: Norm-based strategies for institutional change to address intractable problems
L Raymond, SL Weldon, D Kelly, XB Arriaga, AM Clark
Political Research Quarterly 67 (1), 197-211, 2014
Indicators of 21st century socioclimatic exposure
NS Diffenbaugh, F Giorgi, L Raymond, X Bi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (51), 20195-20198, 2007
Reclaiming the atmospheric commons: The regional greenhouse gas initiative and a new model of emissions trading
L Raymond
MIT Press, 2016
Why do farmers adopt conservation tillage? An experimental investigation of framing effects
AC Andrews, RA Clawson, BM Gramig, L Raymond
Journal of soil and water conservation 68 (6), 501-511, 2013
Cultural evolution of normative motivations for sustainable behaviour
T Davis, EP Hennes, L Raymond
Nature Sustainability 1 (5), 218-224, 2018
The shift to privatization in land conservation: A cautionary essay
L Raymond, SK Fairfax
Nat. Resources J. 42, 599, 2002
Fragmentation of public domain law and policy: An alternative to the shift-to-retention thesis
L Raymond, SK Fairfax
Nat. Resources J. 39, 649, 1999
Policy perspective: Building political support for carbon pricing—Lessons from cap-and-trade policies
L Raymond
Energy Policy 134, 110986, 2019
Landowner beliefs regarding biodiversity protection on private property: an Indiana case study
L Raymond, A Olive
Society and natural resources 21 (6), 483-497, 2008
Framing effects in an emissions trading experiment with voluntary compliance
TN Cason, L Raymond
Experiments on energy, the environment, and sustainability 14, 77-114, 2011
Carbon pricing and economic populism: The case of Ontario
L Raymond
Climate Policy 20 (9), 1127-1140, 2020
Finding the right value: Framing effects on domain experts
AC Andrews, RA Clawson, BM Gramig, L Raymond
Political Psychology 38 (2), 261-278, 2017
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مقالات 1–20