Almudena Torres-Pardo
Almudena Torres-Pardo
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Cobalt phosphate-modified barium-doped tantalum nitride nanorod photoanode with 1.5% solar energy conversion efficiency
Y Li, L Zhang, A Torres-Pardo, JM González-Calbet, Y Ma, P Oleynikov, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2566, 2013
Copper-containing mesoporous bioactive glass nanoparticles as multifunctional agent for bone regeneration
A Bari, N Bloise, S Fiorilli, G Novajra, M Vallet-Regí, G Bruni, ...
Acta Biomaterialia 55, 493-504, 2017
Electrostatic coupling and local structural distortions at interfaces in ferroelectric/paraelectric superlattices
P Zubko, N Jecklin, A Torres-Pardo, P Aguado-Puente, A Gloter, ...
Nano letters 12 (6), 2846-2851, 2012
Interfacial Control of Magnetic Properties at LaMnO3/LaNiO3 Interfaces
M Gibert, M Viret, A Torres-Pardo, C Piamonteze, P Zubko, N Jaouen, ...
Nano letters 15 (11), 7355-7361, 2015
Structure and electrochromism of two-dimensional octahedral molecular sieve h’-WO3
J Besnardiere, B Ma, A Torres-Pardo, G Wallez, H Kabbour, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 327, 2019
Mechanically Interlocked Single‐Wall Carbon Nanotubes
A de Juan, Y Pouillon, L Ruiz‐González, A Torres‐Pardo, S Casado, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (21), 5394-5400, 2014
Hybrid Enzyme‐Polymeric Capsules/Mesoporous Silica Nanodevice for In Situ Cytotoxic Agent Generation
A Baeza, E Guisasola, A Torres‐Pardo, JM González‐Calbet, GJ Melen, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (29), 4625-4633, 2014
Interlayer coupling through a dimensionality-induced magnetic state
M Gibert, M Viret, P Zubko, N Jaouen, JM Tonnerre, A Torres-Pardo, ...
Nature communications 7, 11227, 2016
Spectroscopic mapping of local structural distortions in ferroelectric PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices at the unit-cell scale
A Torres-Pardo, A Gloter, P Zubko, N Jecklin, C Lichtensteiger, C Colliex, ...
Physical Review B 84 (22), 220102, 2011
Structural effects behind the low temperature nonconventional relaxor behavior of the Sr2NaNb5O15 bronze
A Torres-Pardo, R Jiménez, JM González-Calbet, E Garcı́a-González
Inorganic chemistry 50 (23), 12091-12098, 2011
Structural singularities in ferroelectric Sr2NaNb5O15
E Garcia-Gonzalez, A Torres-Pardo, R Jimenez, JM Gonzalez-Calbet
Chemistry of materials 19 (14), 3575-3580, 2007
Emission of Linearly Polarized Single Photons from Quantum Dots Contained in Nonpolar, Semipolar, and Polar Sections of Pencil-Like InGaN/GaN Nanowires
Z Gačević, M Holmes, E Chernysheva, M Müller, A Torres-Pardo, ...
ACS Photonics 4 (3), 657-664, 2017
Rust exfoliation on carbon steels in chloride-rich atmospheres
B Chico, J Alcántara, E Pino, I Díaz, J Simancas, A Torres-Pardo, ...
Corrosion Reviews 33 (5), 263-282, 2015
Enhanced critical temperature in epitaxial ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 thin films on silicon
A Sambri, S Gariglio, A Torres Pardo, JM Triscone, O Stéphan, JW Reiner, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (1), 012903-012903-3, 2011
Surface‐Driven Magnetotransport in Perovskite Nanocrystals
HL Thi N'Goc, LDN Mouafo, C Etrillard, A Torres‐Pardo, JF Dayen, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (9), 1604745, 2017
Blue-to-green single photons from InGaN/GaN dot-in-a-nanowire ordered arrays
E Chernysheva, Ž Gačević, N García-Lepetit, HP Van der Meulen, ...
Europhysics Letters 111 (2), 24001, 2015
Terahertz intersubband electroluminescence from nonpolar m-plane ZnO quantum cascade structures
B Meng, B Hinkov, NML Biavan, HT Hoang, D Lefebvre, M Hugues, ...
ACS photonics 8 (1), 343-349, 2020
Influence of composition, strain, and electric field anisotropy on different emission colors and recombination dynamics from InGaN nanodisks in pencil-like GaN nanowires
Ž Gačević, N Vukmirović, N García-Lepetit, A Torres-Pardo, M Müller, ...
Physical Review B 93 (12), 125436, 2016
Crystallographically uniform arrays of ordered (In) GaN nanocolumns
Ž Gačević, A Bengoechea-Encabo, S Albert, A Torres-Pardo, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (3), 2015
Phase coexistence in NaNb (1− x) Ta x O 3 materials with enhanced dielectric properties
A Torres-Pardo, R Jiménez, E García-González, JM González-Calbet
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (30), 14938-14943, 2012
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مقالات 1–20